beefmaster cattle for sale in pa

We have the following cattle for sale now: 9 registered fall-calving second-calf Beefmaster cows. Beefmaster cattle are the only breed of cattle bred specifically around these economic qualities and therefore are a popular breed for ranchers who depend on cattle to make a living. Weekly Current & Projected Feedyard Closeouts. RiBear Cattle Co. is dedicated to providing a large selection and variety of healthy Texas cattle for sale. On each page you'll find the complete contact information for each breeder including; website links, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Beefmaster cattle have no color standards but most are brownish-red. Quality Bulls, Heifers, Pairs, Bred Cows & more. For more than 40 years, owners Steve and Cindy Emmons have focused on breeding high quality Beefmaster cattle with performance and eye appeal. SimAngus and Simmental Bulls For Sale! Evolution Cattle and Horse Transport. They're gentle with lots of ear and leather. About. Pygmy Goats For Sale – Info, Locations, and Prices! Soon after, in 1990, our females were inspected, and most were approved as first acceptance Beefmasters. Selling cattle online is simpler than ever with Need Help? Texas Sale. View Additional Sale Details. Suite 200 Lenexa, KS 66215 800-331-9310. They're gentle with lots of ear and leather. Cappadona Ranch. Beefmaster cows for sale $ 360.00 – $ 1,450.00 Select options; Sale! BEEF MASTER HEIFERS FOR SALE Our grass fed farm has 7 Registered Beef Master heifers for sale. -15 head of fancy Beefmaster Heifers weighing 650. A pregnant cow was sold at the price of R 25,000. Semen & Embryo Warehousing; Professional Importing & Exporting; Professional A.I. If this is the first time you have visited our site: Welcome! "Summers" is out of a Lasater-bred cow purchased at their annual production sale in January 2001. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 Groesbeck Livestock Auction Barn • Groesbeck, TX • 1:00 pm . Beefmaster cows for sale $ 360.00 – $ 1,450.00 Select options; Sale! WELCOME TO BEEF ON FORAGE. If you know of a sale we don't have listed, let us know and we can get it added! I'm sorry, there are currently no breeders that we have located in this state. This hardy breed is ideal for the harsh climate extremes of Texas. Growing up with a love of cattle. 5 second-calf Beefmaster cows. 161 talking about this. Or, if you have a specific question, shoot us an e-mail at: [email protected]. Bulls; Heifers; Pairs; Bred; Open/ Recip ; Horses; Cattle Dogs; Hay; About. Black Angus, Beefmaster, Baldy & Brahmans for Sale $700 (aus > Dale) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Amarillo TX, 79109, Phone: 1.800.381.4848 Home. Hiatt diamond H aggressively culls for any weakness. We were excited to come from the sale with what we think is the best young sire that sold – Royal Flush. Awassi sheep for sale $ 90.00 – $ 245.00 Select options; Sale! Lambertt November 30, ... weight, age and characteristic of these cattle. Oklahoma Sale. Here is a list of upcoming sales throughout the U.S. $2000 … Call: 870-703-5313. BBU Annual Convention, Fort Worth, TX October 29, 2021. Saanen Goats – Info, Breeding, and Dairy Goats For Sale! The average price of beef master bulls was recorded as R 46,195. Beefmasters. We specialize in registered and commercial beef master cattle in the South Texas area. Call 800-331-9310 Check in: Or, to see a list of ALL the Beefmaster Cattle breeders in the US: Also, check out Pennsylvania breeders of some other farm animals: Are you a farm animal breeder who isn’t listed. Female Sale November 5, 2021. The do not do well in high temperatures. The Spring 2021 issue of The Beefmaster Pay Weight is being printed and mailed to arrive in your mailbox the week of February 15, until then you can view it online here!We encourage you to share the digital version with your friends, family and other cattle … Emmons Ranch, located near Fairfield, Texas, has raised Beefmaster cattle since 1975. Of course, we are happy to mail you more hard copies to share with your friends. The sale is held the first Saturday each October, and it features approximately 140 L Bar and San Pedro Beefmaster bulls. Scottish Highlander Cattle for Sale. Since you can list your cattle offerings yourself day or night it … According to a National beef master sale event, the highest price of this cattle recorded was R 1, 10,000. Cappadona Beefmasters is a family owned cow/calf cattle breeding ranch since 1977. albany, GA (aby) athens, GA (ahn) Farm Trailer $950 (Mars Hill) Registered Black Angus and Simm Angus Cattle for Sale $0 (bnc). Contact Us. $1,500. Florida Sale. Regardless, they will survive snow and harsh conditions being able to forage on steep mountains eating plants other cattle would avoid. SOLD Herdsire L Bar 6521. Much like you, we are passionate about the American small farm and want to help anyone who is interested in learning about, or starting their own Hobby Farm. Home; Cattle. Awassi sheep for sale $ 90.00 – $ 245.00 Select options; Sale! Their dedication has resulted in the Emmons brand known as a flagship operation among Beefmaster cattle breeders. A pregnant cow was sold at the price of R 25,000. Beefmaster is composed of (percentages may vary slightly due to availability) •50% endophyte-free, soft-leaved tall fescue •20% orchardgrass •20% perennial ryegrass •10% white clover Available in a 50 lb. $1,275. For more information, call us today at (870) 703-5312. Beefmaster Cattle Guardian Dogs Great Pyrenees German Shepherds Other Guard Dogs. Menu. Scottish Highland Cattle For Sale In Pennsylvania. Females for Sale Coming soon weanling calves Registered (bulls and heifers) for sale the end of October/First of November Hello, we at Parker Beefmasters are proud to raise Quality cattle for both the Registered and Commercial cattle breeders/producers. To achieve his results, he crossed Hereford, Shorthorn and Brahman cattle. About. Displaying 1 - 20 of 129 . Classified Ad Form - Trailers, Trucks, Hay, Pasture, etc. HHCA Call: (417) 345-0575 Text: (417) 733-3201 [email protected] Registered Texas Longhorn Cattle for Sale: Texas Longhorn cattle ranch specializing in long horns, deep bodies, and proud pedigrees, located in Central Texas. According to a National beef master sale event, the highest price of this cattle recorded was R 1, 10,000. Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show, Nashville, TN August 14, 2021. Beefmaster stakeholders will be excited about contributing cattle for this program. Send Photos & Videos; Enhance the Visibility of your Listing; Manage Listings. The finest quality of the best American breed of cattle is what you will see here. The average price of beef master bulls was recorded as R 46,195. This page highlights our sale cattle. We carry livestock feeds, stock equipment, lawnmowers, fencing, garden items and much more. SOLD December 2004 to Terry Skeen of Loudon, TN. Highland cattle thrive on rough forage and in cold, wet climates. The Spring 2021 issue of The Beefmaster Pay Weight is being printed and mailed to arrive in your mailbox the week of ... family and other cattle producers you do business with. -15 head of fancy Beefmaster Heifers weighing 650. If you would like more hard copies, please email Jeralyn at [email protected] or call us at 210-732-3132. SEBBA is a strong support of BBU. Quality Bulls, Heifers, Pairs, Bred Cows & more. Cattle For Sale ... She was born January 14, 2004 and is an extremely nice heifer. They will contain a diverse mixture of Steaks, Roasts, Ground Beef and some miscellaneous items in roughly the same proportions as found in beef cattle. is the number 1 online cattle marketplace to buy, sell and list cattle for sale. Farn and Home products. 5. List Cattle for Sale – List Online or via Telephone; Submit Listings from TCR’s App ; Listing Form for Advertising an Upcoming Sale; About Advertising Cattle to be Sold @ Auction; Classified Ad Form - Trailers, Trucks, Hay, Pasture, etc. Congratulations to Southern Tradition/Clark Jones and Cottage Farms on their successful XIX Production Sale. About. His sire, L Bar (Lasater)5502, U1-2 is one of the Beefmaster breed's premium sires, topping the performance tests for carcass quality held at the University of Texas for a number of years, and siring a number of show ring winners as well. Jones Show Cattle OH. She had her first calf, a chunky, solid red steer by Summers in late May 2003.Reluctantly for sale, as we are out of pasture space and are retaining a full sister. Heterosis (hybrid vigor) is one thing Beefmaster calves have. 6910 SW 45th Avenue, Suite 4 4. “Do something you love & do it well. Please contact the BBU staff, Robbins or Kreger if you have questions about making donations of cattle or getting involved. Largest Bull Supplier . Florida Sale. The interactive Sale Reports page publishes cattle sale and production sale reports from around the US. Emmons Ranch, located near Fairfield, Texas, has raised Beefmaster cattle since 1975. Gerald Bowie, Bruce Robbins, Clark Jones, and Deon Inman . Learn More. Castellano. Contact us ın northeast georgıa, to learn about cattle Yerler Commerce, Georgia Cattle farms for sale in georgia. We are your performance source of the Beefmaster breed! Take me to the deer lease this Christmas! Home. Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show, Nashville, TN August 11, 2021. Skinner Cattle Co Online Sale 2-9-21; Brock Welshans Show Cattle 2-9-21; Bowman Cattle Co Sale 2-9-21 $600 open. The average price of cows sold with calves was R 17,500. Be the first to read our new issue! Katahdin Sheep Sales Guard Dog Puppies for Sale Previously Sold Guard … Maternal Compass Sale. 6 -12 months as of October. Maternal Compass Sale. 254-541-4643 | [email protected]. Beefmaster Cattle Pros and Cons, Facts, Price Andy.H. Every October Isa Beefmasters hosts one of the largest bull sales in the Beefmaster breed. Black Angus Bull!!! Today, Mountain View Ranch strives to produce modern Beefmaster cattle … Shop Directly From Ranches Across America. Details Pine Tree Acres Beefmasters in Hope, AR is a leading provider of beefmaster cattle. Please check us out on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter. Very healthy livestock with Performance and the conformation to meet your goals and expectations. Beefmaster Cattle for Sale. We select for cowherd efficiency; any animal observed with a soundness or production problem is culled. Angus cows for sale $ 310.00 – $ 1,390.00 Select options; Sale! Cattle - Beef For Sale Or Wanted Classifieds. 254-541-4643 | [email protected]. Arthur is a past president of the Beefmaster Cattle Breeders Society. TESTING. Angus cows for sale $ 310.00 – $ 1,390.00 Select options; Sale! To achieve his results, he crossed Hereford, Shorthorn and Brahman cattle. "Muffet" BBU#F pending This 2001 First Cross Beefmaster polled heifer is a large, well built, bright red cow. 5TH ANNUAL EMMONS RANCH BULL SALE. For sale to someone wanting a top quality replacement heifer for their commercial herd. For more than 40 years, owners Steve and Cindy Emmons have focused on breeding high quality Beefmaster cattle with performance and eye appeal. Tom Lasater, who developed the breed beginning in the early 1930s, strove to produce a breed that would out preform existing breeds. Appomattox, Virginia. Belfair Cattle: A Dual-Purpose Breed For Small Farms If you’re looking for a family cow that’s a good milk producer and can fill your freezer with beef, ... Meat-wise, a Belfair looks like a hefty Jersey, beefing up quickly for sale at the four-month mark. Beefmaster cattle are a breed that was developed with the intention of being able to thrive in the harsh climate of South Texas. I have 2 beef cattle for sale for 1100. one is a angus cross and the other one is a angus jersey that weighs about... Dayton Ohio Garden & House 1,100 $ View pictures. Tom Lasater is credited with developing this breed in the 1930’s using six essential characteristics, disposition, hardiness, weight, conformation, milking ability and fertility. During the established Fall and Spring breeding seasons, semen orders are shipped as … I have always believed & stayed true to a statement my pa told me when I was a small boy. RAISING We only raise cattle that are naturally healthy and low maintenance. Beefmaster cattle are a breed that was developed with the intention of being able to thrive in the harsh climate of South Texas. BBU Annual Convention, … For Sale: 2 Scottish Highlander Cow/Calf Pairs. You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet! December 15, 2020. Showing all 28 results. Beefmaster is a mixture of premium forage grasses and white clover, specially formulated for raising stocker cattle and beef cows and calves. Can’t find the right Beefmaster Cattle in Pennsylvania? Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a. October 2019 Oct 3: Dudley Bros. Hereford Production Sale, Comanche TX Oct 4: McKellar Angus, Mount Pleasant TX Oct 5: Breeders Classic Sale at Stone Ridge Manor, Gettysburg PA Oct 5: Colyer Herefords Female Sale, Bruneau ID Oct 5: Journagan She sells bred back to Summers for a … Contact me anytime to discuss how I may assist you in buying or selling quality Beefmaster cattle. SimAngus Bulls: T-T BROKER E1, ASA3283977 – BW 87, Adj WW 790, Adj YW 1425 50% Simmental / 50% Angus - DNA testing and registering cattle prior to sale - vaccinating and worming 2 times a year - BVD PI checking all of our cattle - pregnancy reports from A&M on bred females available upon request - performing seasonal breeding for spring, fall, or winter calves to avoid hot summers in Texas - utilizing multiple bulls for herd diversification SOLD 7 young Beefmaster females. Monroe, Michigan. favorite this post Feb 10 Know more, be humble enough to learn more, and work hard.” I believe these things allow achievement of happiness, satisfaction, and success. 8725 Rosehill Rd. Sale! The Texas Longhorn is a breed of cattle known for its characteristic horns, which can extend to over 1.8 m tip to tip for bulls, and up to 100 in tip to tip for steers and exceptional cows... VIEW LONGHORNS They are mostly raised for their excellent quality of beef since it is low in cholesterol. POLLED PURE BELGIAN BLUE MALE polled pure belgian blue male born jan 31 2020 ... HEREFORDS Centerville PA (16404) ... Beefmaster and Santa Gertrudis select set of Heifers for your consideration. Oklahoma Sale. Texas Sale. Listing # 32142032. Use the search bar above to navigate through the site and view the breeder listings of all sorts of different animals. Cattle at Livestock Of America - Cattle ranches, Cattle for sale, Cattle studs, and Cattle information. Meat-wise, a Belfair looks like a hefty Jersey, beefing up quickly for sale at the four-month mark. We joined the Beefmaster Society, and the Ottershaw Beefmaster herd has evolved from there, becoming an important part of the farm business. We are your performance source of the Beefmaster breed! Spring 2020 Bulleti | 1. For Sale: 1 Scottish Highlander Bulls. SimAngus & Simmental bulls consigned to the Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale. Cappadona Beefmasters followed with the purchase of Castellano Beefmasters upon the retirement of Mr. J.M. CAIN CATTLE 2017. Classified Ads - Trailers, Trucks, Hay, Pasture, etc. BULL SALE • SAT., OCT. 14. Hopefully this will help you find exactly the right breeder as you search for the newest addition to your homestead! Black Spanish Goats for Sale $ 40.00 – $ 200.00 Select options; Sale! Boer goats for sale in west texas Boer goats for sale in west texas For Sale: 1 Scottish Highlander Bulls. We have over 1,000 different breeds of small animal livestock, game fowl, and exotic pets listed here. Texas Sale. This means our shares contain about 55% ground beef, 15% Loin and Rib steaks, 10% other steaks (mostly round steak and sirloin tip steak, but also flank and skirt), 14% roasts, and 6% miscellaneous items like soup bones, organs or ox-tail. We are dedicated to supplying performance tested Bulls to today’s progressive cowman. Lone Star BBA Field Day & JBBA Show, Sulphur Springs, TX October 28, 2021. Florida Sale. Beefmaster Cattle . 118 W. Bandera Road Boerne, TX 78006 Office: 210-732-3132 | Fax: 210-732-7711210-732-3132 | Fax: 210-732-7711 Semen Orders: Please read this important information! Home. The Texas Longhorn is a breed of cattle known for its characteristic horns, which can extend to over 1.8 m tip to tip for bulls, and up to 100 in tip to tip for steers and exceptional cows... VIEW LONGHORNS Sale! Listing # 32141909. Windy Hills Beefmasters’ Herd Sire Battery. When calving season arrives, seeing the newborn babies hit the ground running is always a joy. The various breeds which we have for sale are: Angus, Beefmaster, Limousin, Fleckvieh, Jersey, Brahman cattle, and many others Fore more details, either visit the link below, call or text our head office using the number provided above. Technicians; Sire Directory; Beefmaster Semen. FAX: 1.806.356.9164, [email protected] You've found the “Pennsylvania Beefmaster Cattle Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show, Nashville, TN August 12, 2021 . eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'hobbyfarmwisdom_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',114,'0','0']));We also highly recommend reading checking out our latest news and informative tips at our blog. pittsburgh, PA (pit) raleigh / durham / CH (ral) richmond, IN (rin) richmond, VA (ric) roanoke, VA (roa) sandusky, OH (sky) southern WV (swv) southwest VA (vaw) ... Cattle for sale $3,100 (hts > Greenup) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. $2000 -2400 each... Tel: 678-296-7190 6 -12 months as of October. We have continued using his genetics in our cattle operation. 1 PM • PICKENS, MS RANCH | 1479 STOCKYARD RD ANGUS • ULTRABLACK • BRANGUS SONS of MC Resolute & MC ONStar sell! Southeastern Beefmaster Breeders Association is the southeastern United States satellite for Beefmaster Breeders United. Situated in the Meyerton Region Further details or to arrange a viewing please contact Dean 0837975484 or email [email protected] Give it your best effort continually striving to get better. For more information on these SimAngus bulls or to market bulls on this page contact Luke Mobley. Beefmaster Semen Semen Orders: Please read this important information! eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'hobbyfarmwisdom_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',113,'0','0'])); Our Mission: Our mission here at is to provide the most comprehensive information, directories, and articles about Hobby Farms and their animals. Oklahoma Sale. Tom Lasater is credited with developing this breed in the 1930’s using six essential characteristics, disposition, hardiness, weight, conformation, milking ability and fertility. About Ribear Cattle Co. FAQ’s; Contact; 0. I learned the eye for quality and the discipline required to produce them. favorite this post Jan 24 Reg Beefmaster pair, E6 bred heifer , and three open heifers $1,500 (aus > Rockdale) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. … Cattle at Livestock Of America - Cattle ranches, Cattle for sale, Cattle studs, and Cattle information. Pine Tree Acres Beefmasters was founded in 1978 with … Check in: New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, or West Virginia. The bulls have gone through our unique yearlong performance test comprised of separate gain tests on grass and feed. BEEF ON FORAGE bull featured on cover of the 2019 Beefmaster Cowman AI Edition: Come buy the breed’s next cover bull on March 21st! # texas # gift # ranch # mesquite # christmas # campinglife # jelly # … 50 Water St, Front Royal, VA . Today, these cattle are considered a dual purpose breed, being used for beef as well as milk production. CJ’s Royal Flush- New Herd Sire for Windy Hills. She's polled, solid black, and carries 3/8 Beefmaster breeding. Black Spanish Goats for Sale $ 40.00 – $ 200.00 Select options; Sale! • Shippenville, PA • Sale: Sep 9, 2017 • Purebred's and Crossbreds. List Cattle for Sale – List Online or via Telephone, Listing Form for Advertising an Upcoming Sale, About Advertising Cattle to be Sold @ Auction. 2 and a half Years Old R25000.00 No Vat. HOME; OUR PROGRAM; HERD BULLS; FEMALES; CATTLE FOR SALE; AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS; CONTACT US; GENE'S BLOG; PRODUCING FUNCTIONAL BEEFMASTERS SINCE 1978. RiBear Cattle Co. is dedicated to providing a large selection and variety of healthy Texas cattle for sale. Mountain View Ranch raises purebred Beefmaster cattle. Maternal Compass Sale. Find useful information on everything related to your Hobby Farm or Homestead!!! Breeder Name City State Phone Email; Foxtail Farmstead: Bedford PA (814) 624-2410 Ridge Top Farm: Wayne County PA (570) 937-4497 Erdenheim Farm: Hill PA Can’t find the right Scottish Highland Cattle in Pennsylvania? $725. Eazi-Breed CIDR Cattle Insert; Liquid Nitrogen Tanks; Used Liquid Nitrogen Tanks; Gift Certificates; Clinics; Services . Beefmasters. The Beefmaster cattle are a mixed Brahman-genetics with Shorthorn and Hereford, developed by Tom Lasater in the 1930’s. We have developed a program … Class . The interactive Sale Reports page publishes cattle sale and production sale reports from around the US. If you have ever listed cattle for sale in a livestock paper you will really like listing cattle on With greater coverage your cattle are seen by more buyers. Kentucky Cattle Range, The Best Place To Buy Livestock And Cattle In USA and Australia | Kentucky Cattle Range, Buy Red Brahman cattle Online, Buy Girolando cattle Online, Buy Dairy Cow Online, Dairy Cattle For Sale in UK and USA, Worldwide SHIPPING semen directory for Beefmaster bulls. is the number 1 online cattle marketplace to buy, sell and list cattle for sale.

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