jacksepticeye variety channel
≫ A supportive, positive and encouraging community that wants you to succeed and have fun Few key notes! (When he does something reckless), "Blasphemy, of the highest order!" It’s FREE. [26] He and YouTuber Strawburry17 hosted the Level Up! 73,652 views - Thu, Dec 31 at 1:17. jack. "[51] In May 2018, he responded to a surprise algorithm test from YouTube which changed the order of videos displayed in its subscription feed by stating, "People use the subscription tab to mainly avoid this sort of algorithmic behavior. Jacksepticeye has nearly 25 million YouTube subscribers, and over 800,000 followers on Twitch. McLoughlin returned to his channel with a livestream titled "The Return" on August 10, 2020, 10:00 AM U.S. Central Time. He has a second channel called ZerkaaPlays where he features a variety of games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto. ), "YOU DON'T NEED LEGS!" [63] In January 2020, McLoughlin hosted a livestream which raised over $200,000 in four hours for the bushfires in Australia. Known by his nickname Jacksepticeye, Sean McLoughlin is an Irish YouTuber popular for his vlogs and comedic Let's Play series. ), "GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA! jacksepticeye streams live on Twitch! [54], Throughout 2018, McLoughlin hosted various charity livestreams for charities such as the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,[55][56] the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance,[57] GameChanger,[58] a charity with the stated aim of "leveraging technology and innovation to empower patients to play, learn, and socialize",[59] AbleGamers, a charity which creates custom gaming setups for disabled gamers, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital,[60] and Crisis Text Line raising a total of over $1 million for charities in 2018. Do a Product Review . ", "Debut Metarama Festival Announces Marshmello, Logic and Esports Lineup", "Ninja, DJ Marshmello, Snoop Dogg, sign on for new video game-music festival in Las Vegas", "YouTuber JackSepticEye Announces His Longest Break From YouTube", "YouTube Stars' Huge Earnings Will Make You Question All Your Life Choices", "YouTubers say crackdown on offensive videos has gone too far", "YouTube stars' fury over algorithm tests", "Five YouTubers Raised $1.3 Million For Charity In The Weirdest Way Possible", "Jacksepticeye Charity Stream Raises Over $260,000 – TenEighty — YouTube News, Features, and Interviews", "Jacksepticeye Live Stream Raises Over $225,000 for Charity", "JackSepticEye Had A $200,000 Response To Logan Paul", "JackSepticEye Raises Over $110,000 With Charity Livestream – TenEighty — YouTube News, Features, and Interviews", "JackSepticEye Live Stream Raises Over $150,000 For Charity – TenEighty — YouTube News, Features, and Interviews", "JackSepticEye Just Raised An INCREDIBLE Amount Of Money For Charity", "Jacksepticeye Raises Over $1 Million For Charity in 2018 – TenEighty — YouTube News, Features, and Interviews", "Jacksepticeye Hosts January Livestream for Make-a-Wish Foundation – TenEighty — YouTube News, Features, and Interviews", "YouTuber raises $110K in 9 hours in US Red Nose Day livestream", "YouTuber JackSepticEye raises $200,000 in under four hours for Australian bushfires", "A YouTube gamer helped raise nearly $660,000 in 12 hours for Covid-19 relief efforts", "My father passed away today. Her main channel has over 5.8 million subscribers. He says that he admires the way that Mark made YouTube about the fans and not the numbers, and he follows that code just as mu… His mother and siblings gave him the nickname because in Ireland, another name of Seán is John, and a common nickname for people called John in Ireland and the UK is Jack. Jacksepticeye is a well-known YouTuber who gained popularity from his self-titled YouTube channel. Manage your time and money and do not stop uploading videos to your channel or you can lose some subscribers. ... jacksepticeye Youtube channel statistics. "And a hop, and a skip, and away we go!" (When he attempts something that requires precision). The launch was set for June 1st, 2020 but was pushed back due to the pandemic; the official date was changed to June 15th, 2020. It appears in the form of an anthology, a compilation of texts of a variety of forms that are all linked by the belief that they are collectively revelations of God. People react very positively to that apparently. If your channel receives 1,000 views, it’s worth $18. They help people discover and benefit from the miraculous powers of animals. Please respect me and my family's privacy during this time", "Ninja, Jacksepticeye, Pokimane and more will co-star in Ryan Reynolds' Free Guy", "JackSepticEye Is Getting A Disney Channel TV Show! He does various series on games, with each episode of a particular series spaced out between two or four days from each other. Note: Xfinity does not list Adult Swim as a separate channel because it airs on Cartoon Network. (When he has either outsmarted a game or when he is pissed off at a game). He studied finance in college. (When something mentions balls or anything involving balls, as in circles. On 7 February 2021, McLoughlin announced he would be taking another indefinite hiatus from recording and streaming due to personal grief, following the death of his father in January. 168. He was born as Seán William McLoughlin on February 7, 1990, in Ireland as the youngest child of his parents, among two girls and three boys. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, "Top 250 YouTubers Channels in Ireland – Socialblade YouTube Stats | YouTube Statistics", "JackSepticEye To Headline Charity: Water Fundraising Stream For 'World Water Day, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_pOVVgSOaiUE, "What Is The Meaning Behind The Name JackSepticEye? Since 2017, McLoughlin has raised more than $6 million in total in charity livestreams.[66]. "LOOK AWAY CHILDREN! The CPM price can vary quite a bit, but typically a Youtube Partner ends up earning a roughly $5-7 CPM. IN THE NEXT VIDEOOO!" ), "OFF ROADING B****ES!" ), "Glory Greatest!" panel in California alongside YouTuber Strawburry17. Ma!! He has shown his appreciation for his fanbase multiple times, such as making a subscriber milestone video thanking them. Theres been multiple instances where hes eaten a potato!Pffft xD Kai~ Writer and Zane "[24] Following the controversy, it was confirmed that the Revelmode network had been shut down by Disney. McLoughlin was born on 7 February 1990, in County Offaly, Ireland. (when he does a level needing speed in, "It's too far!" He started his YouTube channel in 2010, posting gameplay videos. In 2016, Jack hired Robin as his first editor. He joined the YouTube world in 2009, initially posting videos with the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. Seán William McLoughlin, born February 7, 1990, known by his online pseudonym as Jacksepticeye or just simply as Jack, is an Irish YouTuber who creates videos on video games, sketches and occasional vlogs. I play the things I enjoy and find interesting, I make gaming series and post memes as shorts. In May, Jack uploaded a video of him playing Deadpool with actor Ryan Reynolds. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jack and Mark first met on Twitter, where Mark had found his channel and private messaged him to start a conversation. [65] In December 2020, McLoughlin raised over $1.4 million in 10 hours for the Red Nose Day campaign. "GOOO JACKY BOY!" Choose wisely, every choice has the potential to affect your lifetime ... and come talk about the game, share your thoughts and pitch your ideas! [33] On 8 October 2019, he uploaded a cover of "Unholy Confessions" by Avenged Sevenfold. He was interviewed on The Late Late Show in Ireland on February 23rd, 2018. "LIKE A BOSS!" [48] He has since resumed regular uploads but has stated that he would be discontinuing his two-video-a-day schedule as it was mentally and physically draining. In 2014, he moved to an apartment in Athlone for better internet access. Meme Time is scientfically proven to cure sadness. What will be the theme of your YouTube channel? ", "Jacksepticeye and Jane Anne melt hearts on Late Late", "UK YouTubers Star In YouTube Rewind 2016 – TenEighty — YouTube News, Features, and Interviews", "I'M IN A GAME: PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist #1", "PewDiePie's battle for largest YouTube channel is now an indie video game", "Jacksepticeye Voices New Character in Monster Prom – TenEighty — YouTube News, Features, and Interviews", "Monster Prom's first DLC, Second Term, available today, includes two new love interests and 10 secret endings", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jacksepticeye&oldid=1006347811, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Pages using infobox YouTube personality with unknown parameters, Articles containing potentially dated statements from February 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles lacking reliable references from August 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [39], In October 2018, McLoughlin posted a video announcing Cloak, a clothing brand he created with Markiplier. In Reading Your Comments #48, Jack revealed that his intro was inspired by a. [18][third-party source needed] This was also the first year he competed in the "annual" bottle flip challenge against PewDiePie, in this competition they would flip a bottle and whoever's doesn't land, they'll have to look a Reddit 50/50, after the first episode made in December 2016, the tradition was put on hold until they made another in May 2019 and then once again in May 2020. [35] In February 2018, McLoughlin released dates for a US and Canada run of the How Did We Get Here tour. He represents his channel ‘jacksepticeye’ along with his partner and mascot of the channel, the ‘Septic Eye’ or ‘Septic Sam’ a fictitious character in the form of a green eye with a blue iris and a tail that has been made hugely popular by fans of jacksepticeye. Jack used to have sleep paralysis frequently when he was young. (When he sees/does something crazy going on in game). On May 18th, 2020 Jack posted on Twitter "Might f*** around and release a coffee company soon!" (When he does a Slinkey-like motion in any game. He started his YouTube career in 2012 and started gaining massive followers after being mentioned in a PewDiePie video in 2013. ), " 'TICKY BOMB! " He currently has 26+ million subscribers, 12 billion+ views, and 4k videos as of February 2021. [9] He became the drummer for a melodic death metal-influenced metalcore band called Raised to the Ground, with whom he released one EP titled Risen from the Ashes in 2009. He did not appear in YouTube Rewind 2017, however; this was because he declined the offer to take part. The title of the series featuring McLoughlin is Polaris: Player Select. It earned him $22 million in a single year. [19][20][21][third-party source needed], McLoughlin co-starred as the antagonist of the second season of the YouTube Red show Scare PewDiePie. (Second previous intro), "Top of the morning to you laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome (back) to [, "Well that does it for this episode of [game name]!/Well I'm going to leave this episode here! Appeared in the 10th installment of the series, This page was last edited on 12 February 2021, at 11:39. [10][11] He then moved to an apartment in Athlone, County Westmeath. Income and Earnings. Home » Variety Channel » Wild About Pets. Who is Jacksepticeye? Disney Digital Network is an American multi-channel network located in Culver City, California.It is the successor to Maker Studios, co-founded by Lisa Donovan, Danny Zappin, Scott Katz, Kassem Gharaibeh, Shay Carl, Rawn Erickson II, Ben Donovan, and Philip DeFranco in 2009. (When he is excited about something). Jack created his YouTube channel on February 24th 2007, although he didn't start making his own videos until November 2012, his very first upload being a Metal Gear Solid 4 impression on Solid Snake. He mentioned in an Undertale episode that he may be color blind. ~This server is aimed towards those aged 13-18 ONLY ~There is some slight NSFW content which is moderated at all times ~We are a semi-literate roleplaying group (When he uses the "Sasquatch" monster truck in, "OOOOOWWWWW PINK LIGHTNING!" The term “SepticEye” also came from his childhood. - Jackbox Party Pack 5", "Pokimane's 2020 ROOM TOUR + Big Announcements! As you begin making money, you create an account through AdSense so the advertisers can pay you as views or clicks come in. He also does original comedy, and links to parodies and animations relevant to his channel. [30] McLoughlin toured throughout September–October 2017, in the US with the How Did We Get Here tour, and then returned to the UK and Europe to tour with the Game Grumps for the Ready Player 3 tour. His channel has nearly 22.9 million subscribers as of October 2019. Consent is not a condition of any purchase. (Randomly while playing, "DETAINED!" I wont be doing anything for a while. With Seán McLoughlin, Felix Kjellberg, Amelia Rose Blaire, Bryan Dechart. Jack appeared in YouTube Rewind 2016 appearing to be playing a game. He previously proclaimed himself to be the "most energetic video game commentator on YouTube". His favorite anime is One Punch Man, second favorite being Full Metal Alchemist. Currently, though no longer the channel with the most subscribers, PewDiePie leads the list of individual creators on YouTube with the largest number of subscribers. In September 2013, he entered PewDiePie's shout out competition and was one of several channels who won, where he went from 2,000 to 15,000 subscribers and pounced upon the opportunity to improve. ", "YouTube Star and Gamer Jacksepticeye Signs With WME", "PewDiePie Threatens To Leak Cancelled Second Season Of His YouTube Red Show", "Jacksepticeye Clarifies Position On PewDiePie Controversy – TenEighty — YouTube News, Features, and Interviews", "PewDiePie Calls Revelmode Shutdown "Worst" Consequence Of Anti-Semitic Controversy – Tubefilter", "Disney XD Taps Maker's Jacksepticeye, ParkerGames, Strawburry17 For Summer TV Block", "D23 Expo Level Up! Most of his income has been collected thanks to his career as a YouTuber. His friends started calling him "Jacksepticeye" after a football accident where he received an eye laceration from a friend's glasses. (often spoken in random intervals during, Jack referred to himself as the last remaining Bossatronian from the planet Bossatronia (2014 cringe as referred by Jack in his January 1, 2018 upload.). However, the next day he tweeted that he regretted focusing on criticising PewDiePie in the video saying that he had been "naive". "BALLS? He explained that he might have gotten it when he refused to wear ear protection when he played drums in his teens. He has appeared as a guest on a few YouTuber podcasts, including PewDiePie's, Jack is 62% Irish, 34% British ad 4% other in Ethnicity as determined in. [49] He has also described his content as an "assault on the senses" that people "either love or hate". Between July and October 2018 he took an extended break to Los Angeles. He explained in a 2018 charity livestream that he was asked by series creator Tomska to do so. Reaching stardom and going viral is easy, but the responsibilities of being an influencer are very hard. @Jack_Septic_Eye and @Strawburry17 to host the Level Up! As Jack became more well known for his videos, he earned various opportunities worldwide, such as attending Indy Pop Con in 2015, Insomnia 62 in December 2015 in the UK and PAX East and PAX West from 2015 to 2019 in America. 24,995 views - Mon, Nov 30 at 16:38. Throughout 2018 and 2019, Jack and his fans have raised over $3.9 million for charity. Jack uploads comic videos, tricky videos, gaming videos and alsp vlogs. He would later become a member of the Ultimate Sidemen. In July 2020, McLoughlin made a video declaring he would be going on a break, which lasted for just over a month. He finished college the second time around fall 2014, the same year that his channel reached 1 million subscribers. Markimoo is a Let’s Player that will play almost anything by now, and make it hilarious. is the twenty third episode of Meme Time by Jacksepticeye. Three days after its initial launch, Markiplier and CrankGameplays uploaded a video on the same day with the same title, "This Will End in One Year".Both videos have them explaining their new channel in a monotonous voice and a formal look. Overall, McLoughlin states, "You can still be friends with someone but not agree with something they do. [36][37] In April 2018, it was announced McLoughlin would be a part of the comedy line-up for the HowTheLightGetsIn Festival. [4], McLoughlin uploads once a day to his YouTube channel, usually a Let's Play or vlog style of video. At the time, his channel had only 800,000 subscribers. [5][6][7] He was given the nickname "Jack Septic Eye" after an accident during a football match in which he injured his eye. Vikram "Vik" Singh Barn(born: August 2, 1995 [age 25]), better known online asVikkstar123,is an English YouTuber best known for his gaming videos. (does two high fives in the air while making high five sounds). He started his YouTube career in May of 2010. View the daily YouTube analytics of jacksepticeye and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. [65] Including subsequent livestreams in collaboration with McLoughlin, the campaign raised over $1.7 million. Meme Time is scientfically proven to cure sadness.
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