rey rivera reddit letter
In Asia, you will be able to find me in Thailand. For Rey Rivera, maybe it was the something that drove him to that roof. And then maybe he started having a psychotic break, and couldn’t tell reality apart from his screenplay. For instance, In this speech, when Rey refers to “when his game began”, and lists subsequent inventions, he is listing things that have been invented since his birth in the early 1970s. The Seymour character dies." I do not think Rey wrote this note on the day of his death. to this venture. Here is my 2 cents: in college, at a party one time, I drank something a little weird, and consumed something a little foreign. I'd like to breifly mention some movies, books and music I found very inspired and compelling. Rey Rivera, Foul Play, Murder, note is a code Not claiming to be an expert on anything. He still posts to his diary (blog) online on this site. I look on this endeavor to find the truth. I tried to write it as accurately as I could, using all the same exact spacing, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and errors that Rey wrote in his note. - Erasing memories is kind of similar to death, right? It also appears to have been handled a lot prior to being taped. I think this is the code to decipher the letter. Possibly - but I do have a feeling that writing about what was happening to him in some sort of code was his only option even at the expense of coming across as a bit delusional. The call could have been completely routine and normal in the context of a law office, it could have just been bad news about an active case., Rayburn- I don't know who the letter was referring to by Rayburn. I'd like to welcome those who accepted our invitations for membership during the game. I still think it was foul play. There could be way more to unraveling this in terms of actually cracking his code, if there is one, which I am not sure there is. Apparently it is a simple code that just assigns a value to letters, then adds them up and that is special somehow (honestly it is all a little too woo for me too, but hear me out). It could also explain the gag order made by Porter Stansberry and his lawyering up. His decomposed body was found a week later in a closed meeting room of the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore. Clinician here, he def presents as having schizophrenia. I will keep the bad houses(?) The founder of Agora Inc which is the parent company to Stansberry and Associates. )jandt mores non seperable(?) We/I(?) When the job is done, he has his memory of it erased" - This points to the idea that he's being pursued for something along those lines (also seeing as his money clip of all things was missing [possibly deliberate] I'm thinking the title of the movie itself could be a reference to Mr. Money Bags/financial matters surrounding the situation), alongside the mention of "secrets" and his memory being erased which could be the equivalent of getting killed in this context. This has to have something to do with it. In 2006, Rey Rivera was found dead at the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore. He also makes a list of requests for rewards (5 years added to family member’s lives, houses around the world) and pledges himself to the group (freemasons). I was thinking about this too. The Bourne Identity - "The story of a man (Matt Damon), salvaged, near death, from the ocean by an Italian fishing boat. to the traditional responsibilities, in light of these proceedings, and I will saddy/gladly(?) In Europe you can't visit(?) couldn't have done it without you. I think this was a big thing done by his company. It's just a concept formed from a delirious mind. "Along with myself, these players should be made 5 years younger by the council:" includes "Porter Stansberry [if he didn't do it himself]" standalone at the very end. The Da Vinci Code - Implying the note is a code, Seven - When retiring police Detective William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) tackles a final case with the aid of newly transferred David Mills (Brad Pitt), they discover a number of elaborate and grizzly murders. For example, an internet sleuth on Reddit pointed out a possible connection between a note left behind by Rey Rivera, the reboot's first case presented, and his mysterious demise in 2006. one house in San Francisco. Now, I dont have mental illness, nor does my family tree have any to my knowledge. Corporations pay him to crack the secrets of their competitors' products. There's nothing really special on that page, but they were mentioning Gematria. "Keep the phone ringing and just watch the dollar signs" - maybe this was a reference to the calls he'd been having/the one he received (alongside Mr. Money Bags ^). Taking every 5th letter or 5th syllable or something like that. ), Porter Stansberry has created a way for you to do so. The note is a stream of consciousness from a paranoid delusional person having a mental break. Most of this rambling was about her boss. This speech is either to ‘the council‘ or an audience. A new Netflix series, "Unsolved Mysteries," digs into the 2006 death of Baltimore resident Rey Rivera at the Belvedere Hotel. His wife Allison says she knows he wrote the note the day he disappeared, because there were "scraps in the … Among the list of movies is "The Game" which conveniently includes a guy who jumps off a building and falls through a roof and onto a landing pad ( - could this be a reference to the same method used to create the hole before placing his body there? What does Rey Rivera's letter say? Her obit is all I can find about her. By Katherine J Igoe. so they might join us hence/here/there.(?) or Madrid. I had no clue what that was, so I looked that up to. ), drop the bills in someone else's name" "living someone else's life" - this suggests he might've been framed with regards to money (esp when considering the implication that he's the "nice guy") and the reference to money once again points towards Mr. Money Bags ///// "Before the best years of her life fell to the cutting room floor" - a reference to the fall? Does anyone know if he was under much stress at work ? My thought was: By invoking the Latin phrase, was he giving us a clue on how to unlock his meaning? I started to dive into the note to see if I can find anything tonight and I *might* (probably not but here we go anyway) have found a clue/code. No, But I think that he might have structured the note in a way that took advantage of the generator. [water damage]ence for future transactions you should ---- ---- [fuzzy] if any of the properties that I will resume control of: My primary residence which includes a beautiful piece of property in northern Argentina, and I'm told, [water damage] pigged(?) enjoyed his movies: He lists the movie The Game with Michael Douglas, and mentions a game multiple times in his note. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Maybe he wanted to create a movie with a crazy plot twist that had to do with freemasons and whatnot. There is a website where you can calculate the Gematria of a word, phrase, or numbers, if you are doing a reverse lookup. Among many things, she was a writer and did research regarding oil pipeline and environmental preservation. He listed movies that are known for having plots twists(The Others, The Village, etc). If he were to leave this speech in the open, someone may discover It and subvert him, should they know that he knows, and delay his completion of the game. In my case, the light at the end of the tunnel and the truth I arrived at, was that I was really fucking high and was coming down. Taking the first word then count again take the second word then count again take the third word. Perhaps this cryptic paper wasn't related to Rivera's death at all and was simply his … At the end of the movie Michael Douglas jumps off a building and it concludes the end of the game hes been playing the whole movie. In accepting this quest for the truth, I hoped to make myself, with the help of others, into a man worthy and ready to receive it. "It was a wild ride, but it's time for the show to end" something like that. Keanu jumps from the roof to break the wall of reality. This is just what I imagine psychotic episodes and delusions/lapses in logic/critical thinking to be like. In the first episode, a likable guy named Rey Rivera vanishes from his Baltimore-area home in 2006, and is eventually found dead in an unused part of a local hotel. ), Stanley Kubrick. Another member is Bill Bonner. I know that you think I am BS'ing you, but I swear, check it all out. Putting that into the generator revealed "follow the white rabbit". By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The Family Man - The Family Man is an edgy action-drama series, which tells the story of a middle-class man who works for a special cell of the National Investigation Agency. In the cryptic note, one line states “My primary residence in northern Argentina”. Given the elaborate steps he took to hide it, and the circumstances that occurred the day he wrote it ending in his death, I think option 3 is most likely, personally. the prize for my service. They soon realize they are dealing with a serial killer (Kevin Spacey) who is targeting people he thinks represent one of the seven deadly sins. I really think he had some kind of break. It’s not so rambly of a note as you first see it. When Joel discovers that Clementine is going to extremes to forget their relationship, he undergoes the same procedure and slowly begins to forget the woman that he loved. I’m still confused about how he could have jumped so far though. wadre Evese (??) Virtue (?,,,,, mansion Buenos Ares. One of these movies was The Game. What you are about to read is not a news broadcast. I certainly(?) In the letter, Rey also names people who had died, including actor Christopher Reeve and filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. Although if I'm in Spain, I'll probably be at the ooobe(?). John Anderton is accused of one such crime and sets out to prove his innocence. But if it's a free Mason code, won't all the solved phrases be all conspiracy theory shit? track 3 "Kids with Guns" and "Confessions on a Dancefloor" track 1 - Hung Up - the lyrics might refer to the phonecall he received and being powerless "Every little thing that you say or do I'm hung up, I'm hung up on you Waiting for your call, baby, night and day I'm fed up, I'm tired of waiting on you /track 3 - "Sorry" (maybe for putting his wife's life in danger? Could "Take care and enjoy the festivities" refer to his final farewell/his own funeral (assuming he knew he had a chance of being killed)? Then I got down to "I took on this endeavor to find the truth". ), DVD, HDVD/HDVO(?). He and his wife were united by virtue, so in death they will not be separated. Also the first movie he lists “The Matrix”. “Rey Rivera, 32, was an aspiring filmmaker, husband and former editor of a financial newsletter. Try the note in Spanish. Inevitably - something like this can’t be taken at face value. Somerset also befriends Mills' wife, Tracy (Gwyneth Paltrow), who is pregnant and afraid to raise her child in the crime-riddled city - This stands out to me because he was parked in bay 7. - Was the true culprits identity hidden? I knew one that took out $10k and just threw it in the middle of the street because he thought they were going to kill him. The stranger from the tracks that freaked him out (probably of Rivera's own imagination) and the two untimely alarm triggers (probably just squirrels/possums), compounded together to further fuel his mental illness with tragic timing. The rights, patents and proceeds for all of them should've been transferred to me by now. When he lets his attractive co-worker Maxine (Catherine Keener) in on the secret, they begin both an unusual business scheme and an odd relationship that involves Craig's restless wife, Lotte (Cameron Diaz)." Aug 4, 2020 Courtesy of Netflix Netflix. What an amazing sight. This Reddit post may add extra evidence … Another job well done, Porter. This is ultimately what I think happened. If it were a sign of paranoia there would’ve been so much more evidence. Rivera's brother Angel calls a note a "red herring" in the Examiner 's article, but many true crime fans have still found themselves intrigued by the strange note. in this letter reminded me of a female friend who went through a burnout because of work. Given the elaborate attempts to hide it, you think a stream of consciousness is more likely than a coded message? Did he die by suicide, or was something more sinister at play? To make matters more confusing, a letter was found taped to Rey’s computer, and the contents of Rey Rivera’s note have been impossible to decipher so far. It’s not subtle. He was last seen leaving his Northwood home early on the evening of May 16, 2006. Quotes, random dialogue that needs developing, etc. Right now, around the world volcanoes are erupting, what an awesome sight. He is writing totally incoherent stuff, raving about, probably having a mental episode, and mentioning his boss. For Rey Rivera, maybe it was the something that drove him to that roof. He sets out on a desperate search-assisted by the initially rebellious Marie (Franka Potente) - to discover who he really is, and why he's being lethally pursued by assassins." Were they all exposing or discovering information that led to their deaths or were these people in any way related to the Agora company umbrella? Virtus junxit mors non separabit, “Whom virtue unites, death will not separate”. When he recuperates, the man suffers from total amnesia, without identity or background... except for a range of extraordinary talents in fighting, linguistic skills and self-defense that speak of a dangerous past. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Track 2 - Rearrange - "It's not as if you have a terror of comradery - the company loves misery" - a reference to the Freemasons/the company he worked for? Also, the shot that shows the paper taped to the back of the computer shows that the tape has what appears to be Dorito Dust or Cheeto dust on it, and his wife had stated there was an open chip bag on the counter when she came home. Maybe he thought he was part of a secret society esque thing. I hope you enjoyed it, but, it was time to wake up, so here I am. Or Porter was just as delusional and was going to follow Rivera, but wanted Rivera to jump first to see if it worked. His death would be the full-realization of this game and his collecting his prize(s). Like a prank he wasnt in on. On May 16, 2006, 32-year-old Baltimore resident Rey Rivera disappeared; one week later, he … So, here I am. Maybe he knew he was pushing the limits and knew Rey was beginning to break under the pressure and have a burnout. While he tries to protect the nation from terrorists, he also has to protect his family from the impact of his secretive, high-pressure, and low paying job." and you know what popped out? Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Do I think that Ray wrote Follow the white rabbit? I feel like these might be a bit of a reach, but the movies/songs preceding "The Game" also tell a story: Underneath "Meet Joe Black" (with "Black" potentially referring to himself ['Minority']) is "Minority Report" - "A future technology makes it possible for cops to catch criminals before a crime is committed.
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