college student data sets

Number of fulltime undergraduates P.Undergrad 1. We acquired Dartmouth College's WiFi AP deployment information from Dartmouth Network Services which allows us to calculate a participant's on-campus rough location. Air Quality and Pollution. These data span a wide variety of topics. Data sets for everyone Find your passion . With a membership up of over 6,000 of the world’s leading educational institutions it is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education. The CDS is the brainchild of the Common Data Set Initiative, or CDI, which brings together college representatives who provide data and the publishers who disseminate it. StudentLife dataset contains four types of data: sensor data, EMA data, pre and post survey responses and educational data. Civic Education Study (CivEd). Kroenke K, Spitzer R L, Williams J B (2001). Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the Epidemic INtelligence team of the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) has been collecting on daily basis the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths, based on reports from health authorities worldwide. The combined goal of this… Common Data Set 2020-21; Common Data Set 2019-20; Common Data Set 2018-19; Common Data Set 2017-18; Common Data Set 2016-17; Student and Faculty Diversity. You can find the lecture time period and location in class_info.json. His/her sleep quality was Fairly good and he/she had Three or more times to have trouble staying awake yesterday while in class, eating meals or engaging in social activity according to rate and social respectively. It makes audio inferences for 1 minutes, then pause for 3 minutes before restart. More Than 1 in 4 American Adults Have Student Loan Debt. There are two fields in each data file: start timestamp and end timestamp. All classes are stored in a JSON array. The mapping between the seating position and the QR code is as follows: Survey responses file contains participants's responses to both pre and post mental health measures. 2019 College Board Program Results: SAT Suite is a look at the SAT results for the class of 2019, as well as PSAT-related results for the 2018-19 school year. The dataset directories are organized by data types. Smith is among those in the higher education community that use the Common Data Set (CDS) to compile statistics, which Smith began using in 2004. Educational Statistics — data on education by country. Introducing the Common Data Set. For privacy considerations, we removed data that may reveal participants' identities. As mentioned in EMA Definitions, the keys of each response are EMA question names defined in the EMA definitions. Right now college students are at the top of that list. We removed SSID for privacy concerns. Please cite the following paper if the dataset is used in a publication: Wang, Rui, Fanglin Chen, Zhenyu Chen, Tianxing Li, Gabriella Harari, Stefanie Tignor, Xia Zhou, Dror Ben-Zeev, and Andrew T. Campbell. The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among institutional researchers and guidebook publishers, as represented by the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report.The goal of the CDS is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided in college guidebooks as well as to reduce the reporting burden on data providers. WiFi AP's SSID has beed removed from the dataset because Dartmouth College Network Service does not allow us to disclose any information on campus WiFi AP deployment. 1. [44] Data Science Central has also curated many datasets for free – link [45] List of open datasets … That could be why more than 70% of bachelor’s degree recipients emerge from college today with substantial student loan debt, and why many find themselves in need of loan consolidation and refinancing. Consisting of easy-to-understand informational guides and email newsletters that can make even the most confused applicant be enlightened, CollegeData lives up to its name of being “your online college advisor.” IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 2015 … new students from top 25% of H.S. Research in personnel and human resources management 13.3 (1995): 153-200. Dig into the resources below for popular websites and interesting topics so you can build your data skills today . It is a fantastic data set for students interested in creating geographic data visualizations and can be accessed on the Census Bureau website. You can seating position data files under the folder dataset/EMA/response/QR_Code. Journal of personality assessment 66.1 (1996): 20-40. The questions field defines the questions that the participants need to answer for this EMA. If the conversation classifier detects that there is a conversation going on, it will keep running until the conversation is finished. This link will direct you to an external website that may have different content and privacy policies from Environment. The combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student’s transition into higher … You can find detailed EMA file format in EMA section. Below, check out the tools you can use to conduct searches, download datasets, and generate your own statistical tables and analyses. EMA question definition is defined in dataset/EMA/EMA_definition.json. new students from top 10% of H.S. At public two-year institutions, tuition and fees cost $3,730 on average for in-state, in-district students in 2019-2020, according to data collected in the College … Introduction . Cleaning is in the process and as soon as that is done, additional versions of the data will be posted. Common Data Sets. Alternatively, the data can be accessed via an API. Download the data that appear on the College Scorecard, as well as supporting data on student completion, debt and repayment, earnings, and more. Datasets from NCES. Best part, these are all … Two datasets are provided regarding the performance in two distinct subjects: Mathematics (mat) and Portuguese language (por). EFFECTIVE BEGINNING THE END OF JULY, 2019 . The timestamp is the Unix time when the inference was collected. Out-of-state … However, the literature regarding the prevalence and determinants of mental health problems as well as help-seeking behaviors of international and domestic students in Japan seems to be limited. However, we are not allowed to release Dartmouth WiFi AP deployment information to the public, so we release the location inference we calculated based on participants' WiFi scan log. There are two fields in each data file: start timestamp and end timestamp. The directory is organized by survey names. "DASL (pronounced "dazzle") is an online library of datafiles and stories that illustrate the use of basic statistics methods. "CollegeData is a wonderful tool for upcoming seniors (and other high school students) who are on the road towards higher education. class.csv records classes which participants took during the 2013 Spring term. (1999). Class deadlines include homework deadlines, projects, quiz, mid-terms and finals. A robust college search with our easy to use college finder. Student … The Veterans RAND 12 Item Health Survey (VR12): What is it and How it is Used (2009) Iqbal SU, Rogers W, Selim A, Qian S, Lee A, Ren XS, Rothendler J, Miller D, Kazis LE Center for Health Quality, Outcomes, and Economic Research, A Health Services Research and Development Center of Excellence, VA Medical Center, Bedford, MA, USA. The timezone is Eastern Time Zone. With guidance from the US Department of Education, these interested parties have come up with a standardized way for colleges to self-report data and ensure that publications are accurate … Data Layout for SAT ® and SAT Subject Tests ™ Electronic Score Reports . For example, the Sleep EMA question is defined as follows: The name field defines the EMA question's name (i.e. [43] Reddit datasets – Users have posted an eclectic mix of datasets about gun ownership, NYPD crime rates, college student study habits and caffeine concentrations in popular beverages. You can find detailed information about the mental health surveys from the following references: Spitzer R., Kroenke, K., Williams, J. Important data fields are shown as follows: Note: rows that share same timestamp belong to a single Bluetooth scan. We can learn from this response that the participants responded at Unix time 1364359545 (EST), and the participants' location GPS coordinates is 43.70705013,-72.28730277 when he/she was answering the EMA question. There are two fields in each data file: start timestamp and end timestamp. Number of applications received Accept 1. Student Data Student Data provides detailed reports all aspects of student-related data including student demographics, Student Assessment results, Completion, graduation, and dropouts, AP and IB, college admissions testing, TPEIR reports for graduation, dual credit, and high school to … The data is available on and include the following data files: Institution-level data files for 1996-97 … # Attributes for both student-mat.csv (Math course) and student-por.csv (Portuguese language course) datasets: 1 school - student's school (binary: 'GP' - Gabriel Pereira or 'MS' - Mousinho da Silveira) 2 sex - student's sex (binary: 'F' - female or 'M' - male) 3 age - student's age (numeric: from 15 to 22) Diener, E., Wirtz, D., Tov, W., Kim-Prieto, C., Choi, D., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2010). Pct. (2) Academic background features such as educational stage, grade Level and section. All sensor data is stored in csv files. Assessment of Alcohol and Substance Use among Undergraduates in Selected Private Universities in Southwest Nigeria. Each item in questions array has three fields: question_text, question_id and options. View World Bank Data sets. For example, you can find all physical activity inferences for u01 in sensing/activity/activity_u01.csv. The features are classified into three major categories: (1) Demographic features such as gender and nationality. ; State Data ToolState-level data from Science and Engineering Indicators; SESTATData on the education and employment of U.S. scientists and engineers; SED Tabulation EngineData from the Survey of Earned … deadline.csv records the number of class deadlines for each participant from March 27, 2013 to June 5, 2013. class F.Undergrad 1. For example, Bluetooth devices' names may contain participants' real name because people use their names to name their computers. Validation and utility of a self-report Version of PRIME-MD: the PHQ Primary Care Study. All files are in csv format, which is defined in Survey section. All Rights Reserved, Medicaid Adult Health: Diabetes Information, Third Grade Reading Scores for San Mateo County, Wall Street Journal: Where it Pays to Attend College, Popular Online edX Courses from Harvard and MIT, Brazilian High School National Exam Scores, Indian Primary and Secondary Education Data, Visualize the State of Public Education in Colorado, 2010 Federal STEM Education Inventory Dataset, National School Lunch Assistance Program Data, Predicting Faulty Water Pumps in Tanzania, ETH Zurich Electricity Consumption and Occupancy Dataset, US Energy Information and Administration Electric Power and Fossil Fuel Data, UN World Meteorological Organization Standard Normals, Predicting US Presidential Election Outcomes, Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Data, U.S. Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, USDA Food and Nutrition Service: SNAP Vendor Data, Fatal Police Shootings in the US - Washington Post. Using Data Mining to Predict Secondary School Student … Student Demographics: NCES Fast Facts Degrees awarded, employment rates of college graduates, enrollment, graduation rates, historically black colleges and universities, college transition, international comparisons, most popular majors, students and teachers, time to degree, and Title IX. College Admissions Partners in the Media; Testimonials; Blog; Posted on 02.06.09 by Todd Johnson 1 Comment. The number of fish eaten by each dolphin at an aquarium is a data set. Covid. For example, if a participant answered 6.5 for the first Sleep EMA question "How many hours did you sleep last night? Journal of the American Medical Association, 282, 1737-1744. Recently, the Federal Student Aid Data Center was launched to provide a centralized source of information and data related to the federal financial assistance programs. We removed device names for privacy concerns. The whole StudentLife dataset is in one big file: full dataset, which contains all the sensor data, EMA data, survey responses and educational data. Watson, David, Lee A. Clark, and Auke Tellegen. (3) Behavioral features such as raised hand on class, opening resources, answering survey by parents, and school satisfaction. 2020 dataset record layout for colleges and universities – ap® electronic score reports lo field number cation size format type a n field name valid values and comments ***** * student score data * * record length = 950 * * format = fb * ***** student information : 1 1-8 8 ch x x ap id / ap number unique number associated to student. Provides (1999) data on what 9 grade … "The Big Five personality dimensions: Implications for research and practice in human resources management." Number of parttime undergraduates Outstate 1. You can find EMA question definitions in EMA/EMA_definition.json. Which network was used to obtain GPS fix when the, The MAC address of surrounding Bluetooth device, Describes general characteristics and capabilities of a device, see android.bluetooth.BluetoothClass, number of days the student logged in CS65 Piazza class page, number of posts, responses, edits, followups, and comments to followups (i.e., everything), number of questions the student has asked, number of questions the student has answered. [44] Data Science Central has also curated many datasets for free – link [45] List of open datasets from DataFloq – link Source: Original Owner: unknown Donor: Steve Souders souders '@'>. Financial Aid. Predicting Faulty Water Pumps in Tanzania. class Top25perc 1. College match with top colleges that fit your interestes, demographics and budget. Wooldridge data sets Each of these data sets is readable by Stata--running on the desktop, or on a Unix server--over the Web. The dataset consists of 480 student records and 16 features. You need only copy the line given below each dataset into your Stata command window or Stata do-file. The name of subdirectories under EMA/responses correspond to EMA question's name. The first column shows which participants answered the survey and the second column indicates if the response is from pre or post measurement. Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES) provides access to tools that include a database of transcripts, … The value is participant's response to the question. Pew Research Center makes its data available to the public for secondary analysis after a period of time. © 2003-2021 Tableau Software, LLC, a Salesforce Company. The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. The participant slept 6 hours according to the hour field. Journal of personality and social psychology 54.6 (1988): 1063. This link will direct you to an external website that may have different content and privacy policies from Surveys were conducted among college students in Ota, Nigeria: Data accessibility: Data is included in this article: Related research article: Adekeye OA, Adeusi SO, Chenube OO, Ahmadu FO, Sholarin MA. The Common Data Set is a standard set of questions used by a consortium of college guidebook publishers to collect commonly-requested statistics about colleges and universities. day is the weekday that the lecture takes place where Monday is 1 and Friday is 5. Are you passionate about visualizing data, but don't know where to start? Using a mix of smartphone data and online surveys from more than 200 students, researchers at Dartmouth College determined that the coronavirus pandemic had … For example, the first row in showing above records that the participant was around a conversation from Unix timestamp 1364425656 to Unix time stamp 1364425727. options defines candidates of the response. We recommend importing the whole dataset into a centralized datastore (e.g. Finally, track how much financial aid colleges awarded to students like you using our Financial Aid Tracker. It will make the data processing much easier. There are a dozen websites I regularly recommend to college-bound students and their parents, including the College Board’s BigFuture for college searches, for a list of colleges that don’t require the SAT/ACT, and the Fiske Guide to Colleges for student descriptions of campus life. All pre and post survey responses are stored in corresponding files under dataset/survey. Don't worry, we've got you covered. For a quick summary of the Common Data Set you can view our fact sheet, to the right, that highlights many of the pertinent statistical information a current or prospective student might be interested in. In some cases, more information is provided about the attribute (e.g., units or domain). Github Pages for CORGIS Datasets Project. You can find participants' cumulated GPA, 2013 Spring term GPA and grades for COSC 065 in grades.csv. These students can be identified by searching for identical attributes that characterize each student, as shown in the annexed R file. piazza.csv contains participants' Piazza usage data. The data files under each data type subdirectory are organized by participants. NCES Fast Facts Degrees awarded, enrollment, graduation rates, historically black colleges and universities, college transition, popular majors time to degree, Title IX. Each item in the JSON array is one response. The CDS provides standard, clear questions and definitions to improve the quality and accuracy of information and to provide consistent, comparable descriptive statistics about colleges and universities. Well now you can. Common Data Set Definitions. Datasets can be browsed by topic or searched by keyword. It generates one audio inference every 2~3 seconds. The Common Data Set peers—representing College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report —have developed and maintained the Common Data Set since 1995. The definition of each column is as follows. You can use location inferred from WiFi scan and GPS Location data to infer the GPS coordinates of each Dartmouth building. Data Set Information: Format: Each observation concerns one university. Common data set. "Quantification of subjective sleep quality in healthy elderly men and women using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)." Detailed description is in Educational Data section. The first few lines of a participant's phone lock file look like this: The phone charge data files record when the phone was plugged in and charging for a significant long time (>=1 hour). There are 10 subdirectories in dataset/sensing that correspond to 10 different sensor data: physical activity, audio inferences, conversation inferences, Bluetooth scan, light sensor, GPS, phone charge, phone lock, WiFi, WiFi location. • The development of data sets ; • tests implementation ; • Piloting test campaigns ; • Test execution and reporting ; • Test analysis ; • Improvement of testing process by taking into account feedbacks. 2014. Similar to sensor data, each EMA's responses are organized by participants' uid. Many of the high-value data sets are released simultaneously on both the FSA Data Center and Private 1. Score reports provide score information that each student selects to send from Depression, anxiety and inactive lifestyles are all too common among college students, and a new study finds they may have escalated during the initial outbreak of COVID-19. To avoid draining the battery, it makes activity inferences continuously for 1 minutes, then pause for 3 minutes before restart collecting activity inferences again. The first few lines of a participant's WiFi AP scan log file look like this: WiFi scans frequently. “It’s just really quick and convenient,” Shaw said. The Common Data Set refers to data collected by a group of publishers including US News Best College Rankings, The College Board, Petersons, and Wintergreen Orchard. College Scorecard School-level statistics on average annual cost of attendance, student loan debt, & loan repayment. The first few lines of a participant's light sensor file look like this: The phone lock data files record when the phone was locked for a significant long time (>=1 hour). [email protected]. in[kemeny]) and near some buildings (near[kemeny; cutter-north; north-main;]). If you have questions about this data layout, please contact Customer Service at 855-475-3636 or . Social Indicators Research, 39, 247-266. The following shows u01's pre and post responses to the Flourishing Scale. Please refer to for more detail information. [43] Reddit datasets – Users have posted an eclectic mix of datasets about gun ownership, NYPD crime rates, college student study habits and caffeine concentrations in popular beverages. University students, especially international students, possess a higher risk of mental health problems than the general population. The Common Data Set (CDS) is a national set of standardized questions and definitions which universities use to submit data to guidebooks, institutional rankings, and other publications. It generates one activity inference every 2~3 seconds depending on smartphone's accelerometer sampling rate. Academic Problems. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 16(9): 606-613. Student Life. See this post for more information on how to use our datasets and contact us at [email protected] with any questions.. Find a dataset by research area: The data attributes include student grades, demographic, social and school related features) and it was collected by using school reports and questionnaires. Degrees Conferred. Sleep in the above example). The first few lines of a participant's conversation inferences file look like this: There are two fields in conversation data files: conversation start timestamp and conversation end timestamp. It defines a JSON array that stores all EMA questions' definitions. The meaning of activity inference is described in the following table. Below are examples of electronically available behavioral and social science data. Lead Testing in … With over 50 years of experience collecting and publishing the industry's most accurate and objective education data, Peterson's offers the most comprehensive college and university data sets available in the market today. For example, EMA/responses/Stress contains all participants' responses to the Stress EMA. One of the resources I commonly use as a college admissions counselor is the common data set. A factor with levels No and Yesindicating private or public university Apps 1. The activity classifier runs 24/7 with duty cycling. Browser logs are also removed from the dataset. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. A data frame with 777 observations on the following 18 variables. Mount, Michael K., and Murray R. Barrick. The whole StudentLife dataset is in one big file: full dataset, which contains all the sensor data, EMA data, survey responses and educational data. We hope to provide data from a wide variety of topics so that statistics teachers can find real-world examples that will be interesting to their students." Additional note: there are several (382) students that belong to both datasets . Fall 2020 Faculty and Student Demographic Summary; Fall 2019 Faculty and Student Demographic Summary; Fall 2018 Faculty and Student Demographic Summary Amherst College 220 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002. Some colleges choose to publish their CDS responses directly; for instance, you can find Ohio State University’s 2015-2016 CDS data on the OSU website. Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, a flexible interdisciplinary graduate program that enables students to examine issues from multiple perspectives and equips individuals with the knowledge, critical thinking abilities, analytical tools, communication skills, and aesthetic sensibilities to address complex, … Important data fields are shown as follows: The first few lines of a participant's Bluetooth scan log file look like this: Bluetooth scans every 10 minutes. Similarly, you can find u01's conversation inferences in sensing/conversation/conversation_u01.csv. Participants' responses are stored in EMA/responses. The timestamp is the Unix time when the inference was collected. The periods defines all class meeting periods in an JSON array. Russell, Daniel W. "UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3): Reliability, validity, and factor structure." The first few lines of a participant's GPS location file look like this: GPS coordinates were collected every 10 minutes. Pct. The first few lines of a participant's WiFi location file look like this: There are two kinds of location inferences: in a building (e.g. The meaning of audio inference is described in the following table. Sage Research Methods Datasets- This collection of practice datasets contains over 120 datasets using data from real research. MongoDB, Apache Cassandra) first. Have you ever wished that you could get information about colleges like US News does to put together its rankings? In the following subsections, we introduce the structure of each directory, and the data format in next section. Student loan debt is a reality for more than 1 in 4 American adults. The U.S. Census Bureau publishes reams of demographic data at the state, city, and even zip code level. Common Data Set Initiative. question_id is the id of the question. The class location corresponds to the WiFi location. UnConstrained College Students (UCCS) is a dataset of long-range surveillance photos captured at University of Colorado Colorado Springs developed primarily for research and development of "face detection and recognition research towards surveillance applications" 1. International Education. Interactive Data Tool Updated Features for discovering, understanding, and analyzing NCSES data about R&D and the education and employment of U.S. scientists and engineers. The timezone is Eastern Time Zone. The rest columns correspond to each survey questions. The College Board provides yearly SAT data ontrends and changes in scores to help high schools interpret and understand students' participation and performance and to support the effective use of the SAT in admissions decisions. Important data fields are shown as follows: Note: rows that share same timestamp belong to a single WiFi scan. The following shows the location and class periods for COSC 065. Summary of Significant Changes to the CDS. The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson’s, and U.S. News & World Report. The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. It's free! Browser logs are also removed from the dataset. WiFi AP's SSID has beed removed from the dataset because Dartmouth College … Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool Alleged criminal offenses & fire data by college. "Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: the PANAS scales." Annual Expenses. College Affordability and Transparency Center Tuition and net prices of colleges & universities. College completion data from 3,800 degree-granting institutions in the United States The top level directory is shown below. , the Sleep EMA question is defined in the JSON array that stores all EMA '! Educational data statistics, surveillance systems, state indicator reports and maps related to obesity are.... Posted on 02.06.09 by Todd Johnson 1 Comment of positive and negative feelings is in the following table quiz mid-terms! Of electronically available Behavioral and social psychology 54.6 ( 1988 ):.! On both the FSA data Center and in Southwest Nigeria 6.5 the! Can find the lecture time period and location in class_info.json, Spitzer R L, J... An introductory link to the index of the high-value data sets can be identified by searching for identical attributes characterize... By topic General dataset websites Media ; Testimonials ; Blog ; Posted on 02.06.09 by Todd Johnson 1.! 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