dr scott hahn conversion story

I saw many of them leave the Church and I opposed them in a certain sense out of a sincere good faith, but also I opposed them because I myself was uninformed. I remember that because a few months later after reading a lot more, one night I came out and said, "Kimberly, I'm not sure, but I'm beginning to think that God might be calling me to become a Roman Catholic." She walked right over to me, threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug. Edit post; Replace medium; Remove post; stchadwick. About a month later, we arranged to have a long phone conversation. There was a silence and he said, "Well, Scott, I think you're setting me up with that question then." One night I came to bed around two or three; she was still up. I said, "I've been reading Danielou, and Ratzinger and de Lubac and Garrigou-Lagrange and Congar, and all these guys and man is it rich; you've got to read them, too." We'll even pay for your doctoral program in theology." I slipped in. "Why did you say no?" When you renew a covenant, God releases grace, and grace is life, grace is power, grace is God's own love. In the Protestant world the idea of covenant is understood practically as synonymous with or interchangeable with contract. Another friend, a theologian, called me and said, "Scott, what is this I'm hearing that you're considering the Catholic faith?" You know, "Et tu, Brute, Kimberly? I said, "All right, I'll try." I said, "No." It had lots of truth, but it also missed lots of truths. We just presented the Church's teachings and showed the text in Scripture, and we didn't feel like he had answered a single one of our questions or objections. I began to teach a course on salvation history, and at first they were scared because it was so confusing, all those names and places that you can't even pronounce much less make sense out of. The only Catholic in my family on both sides was my beloved grandmother. Well, she was getting so desperate. Not you, too." "I mean is he Lutheran? I looked and said, "My Lord and my God." That struck me as odd; I said, "But professor, that seems strange because what we are saying then is that we should only believe what the Bible teaches, but the Bible doesn't teach us to only believe what the Bible teaches. So I began to turn to Catholic sources and read them. God is Father, God is Son, and God through the Holy Spirit has made us one family with Him. She was very quiet, very humble, very holy, I have to admit. Who wrote it?" We will let you hire faculty if you need them. He said, "You ought to talk to her." He was the only other student at seminary along with me who held to the old Protestant belief that the Pope was the anti-Christ. And because I didn't think he was the infallible vicar, I thought it was very reasonable for me to help Catholics to see the same thing in order to get them to leave the Church. She said, "What did he want?" I thought "No, no, you know the Catholic Church has been around for 2000 years; they're bound to get something right." This look of desperation came over her. Dr. Scott Hahn has a number of different recorded talks where he discusses his conversion from being an Evangelical Protestant Pastor to becoming an ordinary Catholic layman. I'm just not there yet. And so I heard myself say words that I had sworn I'd never speak; I said, "John, what a dumb question." That's not the way it works. She said, "Alleluia! All of a sudden it started gushing out like Niagara Falls. I said, "Kimberly, because right now I'm not sure what I would teach. I have never felt so alone in my life. "All right, I'll talk to her." But the second resolution was to share with my brothers and sisters in Christ about our Holy Father, and how Christ has graced us with an incredible family, with the Blessed Virgin Mary to be our own spiritual Mother, with Pope John Paul II to be a guide and a spiritual father-figure to lead all of us in worshipping our heavenly Father, with saints as brothers and sisters, to know ourselves as God's family, but most of all, with the Holy Eucharist to know ourselves around the table as a household of God, His own children. He look at me and said, "Give me a dumb answer." I said, "That's easy. I said, "Louis Bouyer." Nowhere did the Holy Spirit ever inspire the writers of Scripture to say we're saved by faith alone. I was scared. You've come into my heart. And because of that, the Catholic Church fell and the Protestant Church rose. They weren't ready, they were unequipped, they were defenseless. I said, "Then why, Art, does the Bible say in 1 Timothy 3:15 that the pillar and foundation of truth is the church, the household of faith?" She read it from cover to cover. You alone have the words of eternal life and we've come to believe." Dr. Scott Hahn explains how he overcame his anti-Catholicism and in time made his way home to the Catholic Church. After three or four or five encounters like this, I was confused. And as soon as it began, it was over. I was weaned on Martin Luther." In Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots, Dr. Scott Hahn guides readers through the Catholic Church's rites, customs, and traditional prayers. Well, after graduating from high school, I decided not only to pursue the ministry but to study theology as well. As he celebrated the Mysteries of the Holy Mass, I made a resolution, actually two of them: to enter more deeply each day into the Mass and into this ministry that he has to pray for him. And she said, "I've discovered that up until 1930, every single Protestant denomination without exception opposed contraception on Biblical grounds." A little while later Gerry called and said, "Listen, I'm a little scared. "Dr. Marmion here." I shared it with Kimberly. An ex-Catholic graduate student named John raised his hand. I said, "What!" After studying Hebrew, I discovered that 'Am, the Hebrew word for people, literally means, kinsman, family. I said, "Well, he's a Cath - - - ." ...It is so good to be with you this morning. While at nominally Protestant Grove City College, Hahn “had become enamored with and steeped in the philosophy of Saint Thomas. The first thing was a course that Kimberly took her first year, a class that I had taken the year before entitled Christian Ethics. And he proceeded to explain. And Margaret Thatcher was not interested in funding American babies being born in her great empire. I said, "It's great." I was explaining to friends of mine how the Family of God is the master idea which makes sense out of all the Catholic faith. It's always a delightful surprise. No way. The Liturgy of the Word was so rich, not only the Scripture readings. Ten seconds, maybe fifteen went by and the phone rang. The first thing I did was to tell them about covenant. I used to take pride in asking my professors the most stumping questions, but I never heard this one before. First, because the Bible never says it anywhere. Free shipping for … But I knew there was no future in our relationship if she remained Catholic. The following is the transcripts of Scott Hahn's conversion story as it appears in the "Catholic Adult Education on Video Program" with Scott and Kimberly Hahn. So I raised the issue and she handed me a book. A woman from the Midwest ordered a gift subscription for a relative who lived in Pennsylvania. That was the second aspect of my own outlook: that these people might have some faith but it was just surrounded by lies, and so they needed loving Bible Christians to get them out. And so this first conviction was to help my Catholic friends to see the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ, to show them the Bible, and to show them that in the Bible, you just accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and that's all it takes. But the fawning Peter Kreeft, a confused mind who wrote the Foreword for this book, disagrees. We want you to preach, however, at least 45 minutes each Sunday morning to open up for us the Word." He is the Founder and President of the St. Paul Center, an apostolate dedicated to teaching Catholics to read Scripture from the heart of the Church. In two years time I had worked through several hundred books, and I began for the first time to read Catholic theologians and Scripture scholars. It's known as the bible of Anti-Catholicism. Conversion Dr. Hahn’s conversion story, conversion stories of others, approaching the Catholic faith, Coming Home Network-- Dr. Hahn’s Books: Rome Sweet Home, The Lamb’s Supper -- Dr. Hahn Audio: Kimberly Hahn's Conversion, Stand Up for Your Faith, Protestant Pastor to Catholic, Scott Hahn's Original Conversion Story, Conversion Stories So and so appointed himself to be chair of the committee, and he announced the results of our study even before it began. If covenant means family, what is it that makes us family? I said, "Yes." And if we're wrong there, we're going to have some homework to get done to figure out where else we might have gone wrong. Fulton Sheen once said, and I paraphrase, that there are not 100 people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church, although there might be millions of people who hate what they mistakenly believe the Catholic Church to be and to teach. But I was surprised when 40, 50, 60, 80, or 100 ordinary folk just walked in off the street for midday Mass, ordinary folk who just came in, genuflected, knelt and prayed. Dr. Scott Hahn discusses the importance and power of truth, faith and reason, the Church, and other important topics in this 9 minute clip. He ran up the stairs in four or five, maybe eight seconds. I've given away dozens of copies of Boettner's book; I've gotten Catholics to leave. I just asked the Lord Jesus Christ to help us. It just recently was reissued, entitled Sex and the Marriage Covenant. I couldn't see her face, but I could almost feel it sink as she just slumped back down into bed, put her face into her pillow and began to sob. I thought, "Word has reached the chairman of the board that I'm teaching things that are perhaps somewhat Catholic." I ended up taking a job down in Joliet teaching for a few years at a college there. Christmas, as it appears in the New Testament, is the story of a father, a mother, and a child, their relationships, their interactions, their principles, their individual lives, and their life in common. In fact we'll pay you well enough so that you can study at least 20 hours a week in Scripture and theology. Gerry's going to join. I discovered that Jesus had never used the word "covenant" in His public ministry. "Yeah, all right; I will, Terry. He said , "No, I wish Catholics would do that; this is good.". And eventually, I just walked out and wondered, what have I done? There seems to be no other plausible reason for writing the story of one’s life when it has barely begun. I called up our O.B. But the more I studied, the more I came to see that for the ancient Hebrews, and in Sacred Scripture, a covenant differs from a contract about as much as marriage differs from prostitution. We arranged Gerry, Dr. Gerstner and me for a six hour session, going through the Old Testament in Hebrew, the New Testament in Greek, and the council documents of Church history. Dr. Hahn graduated from Grove City College in 1979 with his BA in Theology, Philosophy and Economics. I want to insert one thing. I only know of one. And if as we are exchanging goodnights she lets me give her a kiss, she gets the three pound box. I asked the Lord not to be offended as I tried. So I gave to her a very large volume, a book by Loraine Boettner entitled Roman Catholicism. Meanwhile, I sent an application off to Marquette University because I had heard they had a few really outstanding theologians who were based on the covenant who were studying the Church and doing lots of good things. I really didn't say that to him because I didn't know what to say. From the Rosary to the use of Holy Water -- from infant Baptism to praying with icons -- Dr. Hahn helps you to discover the deep biblical and historical roots of each practice. Sometimes we'd fight like brother and sister in discussing various ways and means to reach these kids. And I was shocked at how impressive their insights were but even more, at how impressive their insights were which agreed with my own personal discoveries. Dr. Scott Hahn tells the story of his life from a passionate anti-Catholic Protestant minister to a passionate lover of the Catholic Church. So I showed them, "Hey, once you think of covenant as family, it's really quite simple." "I'm right outside the sanctuary by the pay phone." So I came to the conclusion that sola fide is wrong. So covenants form kinship bonds which makes family with God. They were having a noon Mass and I had never gone to Mass before. He is editor of the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible and Letter & Spirit: A Journal of Catholic Biblical Theology. Scott Hahn's Conversion Story. It's a halfway house. I said, "I've read your stuff on covenant; it makes lots of sense. Dr. Scott Hahn's conversion story by Scott Hahn ... "Well-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ's Paschal sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of Passover, drawing symbolic parallels to the Last Supper and Christ's death on Calvary. I began to read more anti-Catholic books, but they just didn't make sense anymore. It was entitled Birth Control and the Marriage Covenant by John Kippley. Sola fide? In January my father-in-law invited me to join him and a very small group of people who are battling hard core pornography which is spilling into Eastern Europe over to the Vatican for a colloquium and a private audience with Pope John Paul II. And for him, that was the article on which the church stands or falls, as he put it. Kimberly couldn't have been more excited; at last a Phi Beta Kappa knight in shining armor coming to rescue her husband from the clutches of Romanism. He turns around and says that you've got to be born of water and spirit. I said, "Where is he?" What are you going to do about it? But He doesn't do that; instead, what does he do? When I joined him for lunch, I was very scared and unsure. I want to receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist." "We'll page him and he'll call back if he's around." Like other famous converts, from Augustine to Newman, Dr. Hahn is able to help people appreciate the Catholic Faith in ways ordinary Catholics, who often take their heritage for granted, cannot. You know I don't want to kiss you more than four times a year." During my third and final year at seminary, something happened that represented a crisis for me. It's the weekend and he might be out of town." They loved it. A Phi Beta Kappa scholar in classics and New Testament Greek. In the previous chapters He was just baptized with water and the Spirit descended upon Him. And I was eager to go over and study there. The next few days and the next few weeks and months she still wasn't interested. I proceeded to pray, and as I prayed I felt more in my heart what I came to know in my mind: I am a child of God. He said, "Slow down." But for me to delay obedience to something that God has made so clear, it becomes disobedience." Conversion Dr. Hahn’s conversion story, conversion stories of others, approaching the Catholic faith, Coming Home Network-- Dr. Hahn’s Books: Rome Sweet Home, The Lamb’s Supper -- Dr. Hahn Audio: Kimberly Hahn's Conversion, Stand Up for Your Faith, Protestant Pastor to Catholic, Scott Hahn's Original Conversion Story, Conversion Stories, -- Dr. Hahn's DVDs: Testimony To Truth, The Truth Exposed-- Additional Resources: Articles:Heaven on Earth, The Road to Emmaus: Born Again Through Baptism by Kimberly Hahn, A Convert's Pilgrimage, Christopher Cuddy's Conversion Story by Christopher Cuddy, Events are now managed by the St. Paul Center. In a contract you say, "This is yours and that is mine," but Scripture shows how in a covenant you say, "I am yours and you are mine." Right now I'm not sure what Scripture is teaching, and I know that someday I'm going to stand before Jesus Christ for judgment and it is not going to be enough for me simply to say, 'Well, Jesus, I just taught what I had been taught by my teachers.' From the Bible, from the covenant, he showed that the marital act is not just a physical act; it's a spiritual act that God has designed by which the marital covenant is renewed. Shop for Books by Dr Scott Hahn at EWTNRC.com and support the ongoing mission of Mother Angelica. But we really grew to respect one another so that at the end of these four years of college, I posed the question. What is interesting about contraception? Both of us ended up with our Master's Degrees. I just slowly walked back in my study, shut the door, locked it, sank into my seat and really began to brood. He went down to the drug store. God and Human Freedom Fr. The druggist said, "Sly old guy, you have a good time. We sped off to (thankfully) St. Joseph hospital and Kimberly's life was spared, the baby's life was spared, and eventually Hannah was born. I almost felt dirty and defiled stepping into the rectory. Dr. Scott Hahn joins Marcus Grodi for a special episode celebrating the 23rd anniversary of The Journey Home on EWTN. The Scott Hahn Conversion Story SCOTT HAHN It is a journey that took him from being a fervent Presbyterian minister and Professor of Theology at a major Protestant seminary to become a Roman Catholic Theologian and internationally known apologist for the … I was head over heels in love with Christ and His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. One of my most brilliant professors, a man named Dr. John Gerstner, had once said that if we're wrong on sola fide, I'd be on my knees outside the Vatican in Rome tomorrow morning doing penance. Michael Scanlan Chair of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he has taught since 1990, and he is the founder and president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. I wrote that research paper fully convinced after much study that, if you get it wrong on this point, you get it wrong on everything else. ", Well, at this point I wasn't sure what to do. The second major factor influencing Hahn’s conversion to Rome seems to be the official Roman Catholic philosophy of Thomas Aquinas and evidentialism. The decision came as a result of the senior research paper that I wrote my final year in high school. Until finally when Christ establishes the new covenant. One dinner she announced that she was in a small group devoted to studying contraception. I said, "He asked me to become dean." Reading about the Hahn's, in my room at Ushaw, was a great light in the darkness. I said, "Instead of being sermon-centered, why not have the sermon be a prelude and a preparation to enter into celebrating who we are as God's family?" Because my classes were going so well, because so many people were signing up for my courses, they asked if I would consider becoming dean of the seminary at the ripe old age of 26. I even used the word "Eucharist." Kimberly approached me right before Hannah was born, and she said, "I'm not sure exactly why, but the Lord has impressed upon me that Hannah is to be a child of reconciliation. That's Zechariah; that's Ezekiel. Even when God makes a covenant with us, He says, "I will be your God and you will be my people." His arguments made a lot of sense. I said, "That was Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes. You know familiarity breeds contempt; you sure we should do it every week?" Through study and prayer Scott Hahn came to realize that the truth of the Catholic Church is firmly rooted in Scripture. As we changed our liturgy, we felt a change in our lived experience as a parish but also in our families as well. She began to pray for somebody to rescue her husband some professor, some theologian, some friend. It was exciting. I said, "I'm outside the city in this particular borough." Then I said, "Oh come on, maybe it just took us a few centuries to work out the last vestiges of residual Romanism, I don't know." I don't know exactly what has happened in the last fifteen, twenty, twenty-five years, but I look back on those kids and wonder if they weren't guinea pigs in some sort of catechetical experiment, that people thought we could bypass instructing them in the doctrines they need to believe and in the reasons for those doctrines. So for those four years I devoted myself to reaching unchurched kids who didn't know about Christ, and I confess that this category included Catholic kids in the high school where I worked because I looked at these poor benighted souls who really didn't know Jesus Christ. Dr. Scott Hahn's Conversion Story This amazing testimony of a former Presbyterian minister turned Catholic has become legendary. Meanwhile something dramatic occurred. He had just finished a presentation for the seminar on the Council of Trent. As a result of this liturgical celebration of baptism, she photocopied the baptismal liturgy and sent it to her family and friends. Skip to comments. I said, "Sure." It was exciting to see, and as I taught them more about the covenant, they just hungered and thirsted for still more. We ought to really take this seriously. He said, "Sure, I'll read them, anything to save you from this kind of trap. You're not the Holy Spirit; you can't change her heart." I said, "OK, Mike. The conversion story of Dr. Scott Hahn is fast becoming legendary. Good point, all right. You give God your sin; He gives you Christ, and everything is a faith-deal for salvation. He whispered back, "You never told me your dad was the druggist.". "They're going to become Catholics this Easter, 1986." And oddly enough, I think I'm going to have to say no and I'm not going to be able to explain why because I'm not sure myself.". I got a phone call, though, one day from the chairman of the board of trustees at the seminar where I was teaching. You gave me your personal promise that you wouldn't join until 1990 at the earliest." My friends are a little scared. It begins with a conversion experience that I had in high school. A former Presbyterian minister who went through a difficult process of conversion to Catholicism. I only know that the Roman Catholic Church teaches that it was founded by Christ; it's been around for 2000 years and it's making some outlandish claims that seem awfully similar to 1 Timothy 3:15. And I confess, the last drop of doubt drained away at that moment. We honor her with Christ's glory.". I began to ask the Lord, "What do you want me to do? She wrote me that summer and said, "Thanks for the book; I'll never go back to Mass again." If you say faith plus anything, you have polluted the simple truth of the Gospel. Scott Hahn The Original 1989 Conversion Recording. See photo. "Well, is he a Methodist?" We need other things like prayer," and then he said, "What about 2 Thessalonians 2:15?" I'll be right up." He has shown me things from Scripture that are true and I have got to be faithful to what He has shown me." Dr. Hahn, thank you for you, ... Scott Hahn. Here following is the transcript of a talk given by Scott Hahn outlining his journey of faith. Few people know the remarkable story of how "The Conversion of Scott Hahn" came into existence. It made a world of difference for me. He said, "Can I first ask you a question, Professor Hahn? "We better hire a public relations (P.R.) He said, "Well, which church, Scott? And that's the way it is in a family isn't it? And she said, "Well, I'm going to look into it.". One man actually said to me, "What a dumb question coming from you." He said, "Where is she?" Author of several books, and a much sought-after speaker. So she was waiting with bated breath when the conversation was done, and I told her that Gerry's excited because he's reading all this stuff and he's really taking me seriously. She said, "Scott, I don't want to hear that." I said, "Where is there a doctoral program in theology nearby?" I discovered after several Bible studies that not only did these kids not know Jesus Christ, but practically every Catholic high school kid I met didn't even know what the Catholic Church taught. Author of several books, and a much sought-after speaker. We got married right out of college. And if at the movie when I slyly slip my arm around her and she lets it remain there, she gets the two pound box. Like Share. I said, "If you insist, you know, twist my arm. He died for sins; I believe in him. You know how Luther really had two slogans, not just sola fide, but the second slogan he used to revolt against Rome was sola Scriptura, the Bible alone. I said, "Well, let's move on with the questions and answers; I'll deal with this next week. "No." One professor whom I greatly respect, an Oxford theologian, said to me, "Scott, you don't expect to find the Bible proving sola Scriptura because it isn't something the Bible demonstrates. I said, "Give me a dumb answer then." Robert Barron and Dr. Scott Hahn discuss the freedom that comes from a participation in the life of God and the familial relationship between God and humanity. It spread through the parish; you could see it affecting marriages and families. She said, "I'm not sure but yes." I said, "Kimberly, this stuff about liturgy is so exciting. I would spend just about every waking hour reading and studying Scripture or books about Scripture that would make more sense out of the Bible. He was not intimidated. I talked to Doctor John Gerstner, this Harvard-trained Presbyterian, anti-Catholic theologian . Scott Hahn's books, as well as his audio and video tapes many with accompanying study guides are avaiable from Getfed.com. We worked together for two years and had a blast. Kimberly was so glad and grateful for him taking me so seriously. He said, 'Well, we all know as Protestants, as Bible Christians, that contraception is fine, I mean so long as we don't use contraceptives that are abortafacients like the I.U.D. You don't say that kind of thing to Kimberly. "What did you say?" She sat down and laid in the pew while everybody just began to leave the sanctuary. I said, "Well, wait a second. Then all of a sudden an episode occurred one night in a seminar I wasn't ready for. None of them wanted to discuss my questions. I was approached by a seminary, a Presbyterian seminary, and asked if I would teach courses to the seminarians beginning with one Gospel of John seminar. I'm not certain, but I think God might be calling us to become Episcopalians." My research showed me that he turns to the twelve, and he says to them, what? The Lord said to me, "Look, I'm not asking you to become a Catholic in spite of your love for Kimberly, because I love her more than you do. Because as soon as all the Jews hear what Jesus says, they depart. She said, "I'll pray about it, but I have to tell you, I feel betrayed. She said, "Are you sure those are the best arguments they would offer?" Then one day Gerry called me on the phone. This is all the way that God has designed the marital covenant. Dr. Hahn, an internationally renowned lecturer and best-selling author, was militantly anti-Catholic but self-driven to seek the Truth. I don't think they realized the panic I was in. Scott Hahn's Conversion Story More. ... See Dr. Hahn’s schedule at StPaulCenter.com. I really enjoyed the time. He said, "Well, there Paul tells the Thessalonians that they have to hold fast, they have to cling to the traditions that Paul has taught them either in writing or by word of mouth."

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