greenlight capital letter

Mission: Providing a framework to improve your investing PROCESS, while collecting newsworthy information about trends in business, politics and tech areas. Zero (or negative) real interest rates reflect a weak economy with poor investment opportunities, and difficulty servicing its debts. Subscribe to ValueWalk Newsletter. Now that the political fiscal dam has burst, the authorities have no incentive to slow the support. It’s just sad. There is a decent chance that our gold-backed fund will have an even stronger result. and assembling commodity solar modules for developers. Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. Greenlight Reinsurance, Ltd. 65 Market Street, Suite 1207 Jasmine Court, Camana Bay, PO Box 31110, Grand Cayman KY1-1205, Cayman Islands T: +1 345 943 4573 F: +1 345 745 4576 E: [email protected] We believe this limited investor interest in the new company. Get The Timeless Reading eBook in PDF Not at all. David Einhorn's Greenlight Capital Q3 Letter. The Greenlight Capital funds (the “Partnerships”) returned 1.0%1 in the second quarter compared to 20.5% for the S&P 500 index. And the authorities did so confidently; in June 2017, then Fed Chair Yellen declared that she didn’t believe there would be another financial crisis “in our lifetimes.” We found it cringe-worthy when she said it. The leading stocks suffered a devastating bear market and value investing made a “bottom.” These Greenlight Capital Fund recently released its Q2 2020 Investor Letter, a copy of which you can download here.The fund posted a return of 1.0% for … The Greenlight Capital funds (the “Partnerships”) 5.2%. Greenlight Capital said in a quarterly investor letter that its Tesla short position was its biggest loser of 2020. As the market hit its top, we tallied our exposure and believed we were about 15% net long, plus or minus whatever happened to gold. Historically, stock promotions like this tend to unwind in economic down-cycles. “Now this is not the end. We expect policymakers to target and applaud mid-single digit inflation, which, combined with interest rate suppression, will be the only way to outgrow the mounting debts. The deflationists point to Japan as the obvious counter-example. The firm invests in the public equity and fixed income markets of the United States. We won’t know right away because TSLA’s plant is closed and the company can claim (without seeing the irony) that demand currently exceeds supply. At quarter-end, the largest disclosed long positions in the Partnerships were AerCap, Brighthouse Financial, Change Healthcare, CNX Resources and Green Brick Partners. For years, we were short athenahealth, which promoted itself as the “backbone of the healthcare internet.” That label is more aptly applied to CHNG. We have always ended our quarterly letters with a quote that may or may not have something to do with the rest of the letter. Next, we began bringing down our gross exposure. Our leaders are faced with a menu of only bad options: allow the disease to spread, or ruin the economy. This could be TSLA’s undoing, as its story increasingly depends on China for both cheaper manufacturing as well as consumer demand, against a backdrop of deteriorating relations between the two countries. Over the past few years, we’ve had redemptions and the Partnerships have become smaller. “Extraordinary valuations and new metrics for valuation.” Einhorn points to his recent favourite, price … We are short Assured Guaranty (AGO), based on our original thesis that it has several billion dollars of likely embedded losses on its exposure to Puerto Rico, where it refuses to take accounting reserves. The internet bubble wasn’t contained to phony companies. Now you can learn from Charlie firsthand via this incredible ebook and over a dozen other famous investor studies by signing up below: Einhorn: Tesla Short Was Biggest Loser Of Year [2020 Letter], Coronavirus stimulus check still missing? It is sad to mourn friends who have passed, and sadder still for their families who are not able to say goodbye at the hospital or hold a proper funeral. Greenlight Capital Q1 Letter: Musk Continues With “Fake Promises” Jacob Wolinsky 2020-05-01T10:42:27-04:00 David Einhorn’s Q1 letter to investors (Full letter in … by Gary D. Halbert We ended our last quarterly letter with a promise to discuss how we have been positioning the portfolio in anticipation of rising inflation. Opportunistic price-gouging on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, milk, rice and potatoes is not a signal of broad inflation. For the last several quarters, TSLA has carried accounts receivable balances that are difficult to reconcile with its business model – where customers pay before taking delivery. We ended our last quarterly letter with a promise to discuss how we have been positioning the portfolio in anticipation of rising inflation. Transcript: see much more exclusive Q1 hedge fund coverage here. inflation bias was already An … I also own 2.5 grams of Gold, Jim Grant of Grant's Interest Rate Observer makes a bold call, recommending the purchase of three stocks that are extremely unpopular but have good fundamentals. It might be a comparison to current and future revenues, earnings, cash flows, asset values, etc. We encouraged them to actually look at the subjects we complained about. Unsubscribe at any time. None of this makes sense to us and casts doubt on TSLA’s income statement. Given the circumstances, this is hard to explain. After our presentation, we learned that Standard & Poor’s (S&P) was making a substantial error evaluating AGO’s international project financing portfolio. Some recover, others do not. AER will have to deal with troubled customers, missed payments and even some bankruptcies. As nice as it is to work in pajamas, we are looking forward to eventually returning to the office. A year ago, Musk claimed that when the company’s software was “feature complete,” it could begin to enable TSLA cars to operate as autonomous “robotaxis” starting in mid-2020. First, we added a 25% equity index hedge and increased our position in U.S. Treasury futures to 17%. David Einhorn’s letter to Greenlight Capital investors for the year ended December 31, 2020, discussing that Tesla short was the biggest loser of the year. © 2011-2021 VALUEWALK LLC. We contend that S&P is not following its own rating guidelines. All of the Time: Market extremes occur when it becomes too expensive in the short-term to hold for the long-term. In our early training, one of the first concepts we learned is market capitalization, or the share price times the number of shares outstanding. the fed will or will... read more, Peter Lynch, famous investor and author of ‘One Up On Wall Street’, ‘Beating the Street’ and ‘Learn to Earn’, about knowing what you own from 1994, I think this is... read more, Value And Growth Stock Price Behavior During Stock Market Declines Here in the U.S., there is widespread discussion of reducing our dependence on Chinese supply chains, and the chorus of voices blaming China for the pandemic is growing louder. GreenLight Capital, Inc. is an employee owned hedge fund sponsor. An inflation bias was already embedded within the portfolio. For example,8 for the last three years TSLA has sold a vaporware add-on called “full self-driving” for thousands of dollars. Pausing the economy except for government-determined “essential” businesses has caused a recession/depression. This creates an obvious conflict of interest that cripples the Directors’ ability to curtail Musk’s behavior – as he can now threaten that if the Board brought him down, the insurance may not have value. And it stands to reason that policymakers are now doing “whatever it takes” to shelter the population from both the health and economic fallout. Greenlight Capital Fund recently released its Q4 2020 Investor Letter, a copy of which you can download here. As David wrote in his book, Fooling Some of the People Our general practice in quarterly letters is to limit the discussion to events that happened during the quarter. The outcome of this dynamic has amounted to both guns and butter – and low taxes. This quarter, we start with one from Marcus Aurelius: The arguments are generally politically-motivated: tax the other party’s constituents while cutting taxes for your own constituents, and spend money to benefit your own constituents, while trying to withhold money from the other party’s constituents. The Directors are now being insured by Musk. 1 in the secondreturned quarter compared to 20.5% for the S&P 500 index. All told, it is unlikely the Chinese will finance U.S. government deficits on this go-round. Unsubscribe at any time. Today, BHF is worth a total of… $2.5 billion. The deflationists point to the loss of income and the collapsing price of oil. BHF and AER could double by year-end and still be incredibly cheap. That is about to change. We know it will take a strong stomach to overlook our recent performance, and we recognize that some of you may need to see proof of a turn first. Sequoia Ann 14. Relating to Governance, the insurance industry seems to get the joke. In his quarterly letter to clients, Einhorn also trumpets a successful short position in Tesla but does not specifically mention if the fund is betting against Chewy. There once was a saying that “good things happen to cheap stocks.” We believe much of our portfolio is in the zone of bottom-of-the recession cheap. var jo = document.createElement('script'); GRBK has the ability to weather the short-term slowdown, as it operates with much less financial leverage than its peers. The fund lost value in April even though US stock markets had their best month since 1987. If you are a baseball fan, I am sure that you know that both the New York Yankees and... read more. April 17, 2018 We thought we were prepared. (function () { Further, the cash burned during the strike needed to be re-earned in order to protect GM’s investment grade rating. However, Japan never ran these kinds of annual deficits, never had a large negative public plus private national savings rate, and never grew its money supply this quickly. Even so, in a broader sense, we believe the economic shock will turn out to be inflationary. Get the entire 10-part series on Timeless Reading in PDF. TSLA now produces in two factories, which has increased its overhead costs, while utilization rates are down significantly in Fremont. Given the easy monetary and fiscal policies combined with the President’s desire to be re-elected, we thought the market would march higher and might even melt up. All told, we lost 37% on our longs, made 8% on our shorts and made 8% in macro in the first quarter. In April, David resolved his divorce. Greenlight Capital Fund recently released its Q1 2020 Investor Letter, a copy of which you can download below. Greenlight Capital's David Einhorn warns about a bubble in technology and also the "perilous" political climate in the U.S. in his Q3 letter. Even prior to this crisis, our leaders had reached bipartisan agreement that deficits do not matter. Instead, they rose.5 The receivables remain a source of mystery. Greenlight Capital letter to investors for the third quarter ended September 30, 2019. Under Dodd-Frank, the SEC directly supervises rating agencies. We were told that the emergency measures were temporary. "As for the question of … CHNG shares ended the quarter at $9.99. We don’t have an economic crisis because of the health crisis; the economic crisis is a product of how we have chosen to react to the pandemic. While the decline in home sales due to the slowdown will impact earnings later this year, we believe that single family housing will emerge as a post-pandemic secular winner, as low interest rates support housing and people’s preferences are likely to shift toward detached homes over multifamily residences. As slow and inhospitable as the SEC was to our whistleblower claim a decade ago, the situation has become even worse. This has been a multi-year phenomena and we have not acquitted ourselves well fighting it. This is what a company is worth in the market today. They reflect attractive investment opportunities that can earn attractive returns. He pointed out that stocks that correlate with bonds now trade at 24x earnings, while stocks that don’t correlate with bonds trade at 8x earnings. Unsubscribe at any time. In fact, they had hired an outside advisor to help with the technical areas of our complaint. Debts will be forborne or forgiven and money will shower from the sky. We have been asked many times what will cause the pendulum to shift. I have a few existing holdings from years ago, but mostly mutual funds and some ETFs. The President misapprehends how government debt works. Einhorn Q4 2015. We covered Dexcom after three years when we reunderwrote the position and came to a different conclusion. Stimulus packages 1, 2 and 3 will likely be followed by 4, 5, 6… The Fed will create money (and attempt to suppress interest rates) to support the economy. To the extent they exist, it is unlikely that they are explained by TSLA’s responses. Instead, he went back to Jelly Donut monetary policy,2 Our largest holdings – Brighthouse Financial (BHF), Green Brick Partners (GRBK) and AerCap (AER) – all trade at deep discounts to their liquidation values. The result from that intervention was more than a decade-long recovery, fueled by increasing financial leverage, with the expectation that the government would ultimately assume the risks. The company has a large buyback in place, and could easily retire 25% or more of the shares this year. In this Q&A session James Montier answers how the current market is boding for a value investor, what... read more, After months of campaigning, UK has finally decided to leave the European Union. At the analyst day, our hopes that 2020 would finally be the year were dashed. In the last crisis, we socialized the financial sector risk by bailing out the banks that were deemed too big to fail. It didn’t turn out that way. General Motors (GM) was a disappointment. You can learn from Charlie Munger firsthand via this incredible ebook and over a dozen other famous investor studies by signing up below: Charlie is more than just Warren Buffett’s friend and Berkshire Hathaway’s Vice Chairman – Buffett has actually credited him with redefining how he looks at investing. We believe that the value/growth argument is very close to reaching that sort of extreme. It might get tricky a few years from now if inflation accelerates further. All Rights Reserved. Tax Cuts Boost the Economy & Mostly Pay For... read more, Winning (losing) by losing (winning): The power of expectations by Aswath Damodaran However, China’s economy is already under pressure. So was Microsoft. We recently heard an interesting presentation from Andrew Lapthorne at Societe Generale. A risk-off mentality has now gripped financial markets around the world as investors and traders wait... read more, Dear Fellow Investors, Now you can learn from Charlie firsthand via this incredible ebook and over a dozen other famous investor studies by signing up below: Jacob Wolinsky is the founder of, a popular value investing and hedge fund focused investment website. The pandemic is not anyone’s fault (outside of China). On the fourth quarter of 2019 conference call, Musk admitted that “feature complete just means like it has some chance of going from your home to work let’s say with no intervention.”, However, with TSLA’s stock price on the edge of vesting Musk with a windfall, he recently used Twitter to double down on the “robotaxi in 2020” narrative.9. Oil wells continue to flow, while demand for transportation has collapsed. There is a continuum of trade-offs. 1. We respect your privacy. Wall Street responded to Chairman Powell’s first courageous steps negatively and President Trump criticized him vociferously. We pointed this out to S&P, who essentially told us to pound sand. For any good or service where the supply isn’t cut to the lower demand, prices will fall. That’s right – all of the rest of the company is close to free. We aren’t saying that today’s market leaders aren’t great companies. The firm primarily provides its services to pooled investment vehicles. We were about 129% long and 55% short at the time. Ben Graham understood the opportunity GEICO offered, and that’s where the interview began. Over the last five years, Pure Growth has more than doubled, while Pure Value is essentially flat. But inexplicably, seemingly overpriced “story” stocks outperformed. For most investors, it has become too expensive in the short-term to hold positions for the long-term. That said, we have not felt as optimistic about the opportunity set ahead of us since the depths of the 2008 financial crisis. High real interest rates are the sign of a strong economy. ValueWalk also contains archives of famous investors, and features many investor resource pages. Green Light Q310 Letter. According to Mr. Lapthorne, cheap value stocks, not growth stocks, have historically led us out of a recession. It seems like the trading in several names is dominated by retail investors speculating in weekly call options. It is not even the beginning of the end. Einhorn states: We also managed to sidestep most of the significant second-half rally in Tesla (TSLA), as we adjusted our position ahead of its inclusion in the S&P 500 index. })(); Check out our cornerstone topics which we update regularly by clicking below. Should the economic weakness persist, they will be impacted. The firm primarily provides its services to pooled investment vehicles. BOSTON, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Greenlight Capital ended 2020 with a 5.2% gain thanks to a dramatic fourth quarter comeback when bets on a homebuilder, … The first quarter (announced Wednesday) raised a host of new questions. We were principally concerned about our short exposure – especially to growth stocks. Despite our low net exposure, our longs fell almost twice as much as the market, while our shorts declined a little more than half the market. Get The Timeless Reading eBook in PDF The Greenlight Capital funds (the “Partnerships”) 1.0%. We won't send you spam. Our general belief was that in a market crash, everything becomes correlated and we might lose our net exposure. Sheltering in place could not have come at a better time for “Maricor” and her parents. However, there is near universal consensus that they are the only stocks to buy. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” – Winston Churchill, Jacob Wolinsky is the founder of, a popular value investing and hedge fund focused investment website. Moreover, TSLA opened its factory in China while still somehow reporting reduced depreciation and SG&A expense sequentially. Greenlight Q1 15. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jo); The Partnerships had an average exposure of 96% long and 69% short. We began the year bullish, with a net long position greater than our historical average. (Full letter in PDF format can be found at the end of text).Stay tuned for more coverage soon. Oil is not alone. The most recent version claimed that it takes a few days for payments to clear the banks and a little longer to arrive from Europe. And the U.S. is not alone – it’s a global pandemic and a global response. AER is not in financial distress. jo.type = 'text/javascript'; Green Light Capital is a privately owned hedge fund sponsor. Over the last ten years we’ve seen the rise of the Battle Royal markets and the shift away from one-on-one investing. The TSLA melt-up from $418 at year end to a high of $969 on February 4 caused only a moderate loss, as much of our short position was structured in put spreads. Jensen Investment: Are Markets Behaving Irrationally? As a result, BHF ended the year with a stunning 550% risk-based capital ratio, implying $2-3 billion in excess capital. Our technology and operations team led by Chief Operating Officer Daniel Roitman and Director of Technology Tony Rodgers has us all working as effectively as possible from home. Greenlight Capital funds returned 5.6% in Q3 and are up 24% year to date, according to the letter. Founder David Einhorn has long held a short wager against Tesla. Peter Lynch 1994 Speech: Knowing What You Own, Value And Growth Stock Price Behavior During Stock Market Declines, James Montier Finding Value In Russian Energy Stocks, There's Still Plenty Of Time To Sell Sterling, Julian Robertson Explains Why He Hated Apple CEO Steve Jobs [VIDEO]. However, in the subsequent market decline, we would have expected to be rewarded in our TSLA puts. The first quarter ended on a Tuesday and unlike prior quarters, TSLA sales were not crammed into the last week of the quarter due to the pandemic. We will discuss these changes next quarter. A solid balance sheet with €13 per share in net cash and an asset-light business model gave us comfort that DLG can withstand near-term disruption presented by the pandemic. The valuations are as extreme as they were at the top of the internet bubble. On balance, the decision in the U.S. has been to slow the spread of the disease at the expense of the economy, but to try to socialize as much of the cost as possible. Prior to SumZero, Jacob worked as an equity analyst first at a micro-cap focused private equity firm, followed by a stint at a smid cap focused research shop. DLG ended the quarter at €24.64. While similar healthcare assets trade for over 20x free cash flow, we were able to acquire our stake in CHNG for $11.40, or 9x our estimated free cash flow. We made continued progress in the third quarter with another good result.The Greenlight Capital funds (the “Partnerships”) returned 5.6% for the quarter, bringing the year-to-date return to 24.0%. Cyclically adjusted, this very loose fiscal policy matched the Jelly Donut monetary policy. President Truman once quipped, “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose yours.” Every business is “essential” for the people who work there. var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9999 - 0 + 1) + 0); Were S&P to assign the correct capital charge, we believe it would reveal that AGO could not sustain its current credit rating. Through April, Pure Growth has recovered more than all of its decline and is now up 2.7%, while Pure Value remains down 25.8%. In the 2000 internet bubble, Cisco Systems peaked out at 29 times revenue, which would be a discount to where TSLA now trades. On the short side, in addition to letting most of the “bubble basket” puts expire, we gave up on two medium-sized, long-term and ultimately unsuccessful shorts. Green Light Capital Q3 2011 Letter. After initially denying our claim, the SEC agreed that David was, upon appeal, entitled to a whistleblower award. Last year Greenlight’s assets dropped by $1.9 billion, from $8.3 billion to $6.4 billion, in spite of a 1.5 percent gain for the year, as more than a third of redeemable capital came out. In contrast, there are established companies with real assets and real profits facing normal cyclical challenges and/or impact from the pandemic. People (and businesses) who aren’t working are no longer supplying goods or services. President Trump is a businessman, and in business, the best credit gets the lowest interest rate. While this happened, “old-economy” companies that were down sharply in early 2000, like Hartford Insurance, Pulte Homes and Boeing, more than doubled off their March lows by the end of the year. Historically, the company’s poor balance sheet forced it to sell many of its solar development projects at discounted prices to raise capital. Over our five-year holding period, we made a 9.6% IRR on GM. BHF: The 2019 S&P 500 melt-up created a large unexpected gain. So, we complained to the SEC in a detailed letter. If true, then a reversal should materialize, and we believe our performance is likely to turn. By next year, the U.S. market should become similarly competitive. We re-initiated a medium-sized long in Dialog Semiconductor (Germany: DLG) at €22.71. It is not fun. The SEC reached out to us to let us know that the letter appeared very compelling and they would take the matter seriously. TSLA cars are not a fad; if they were, TSLA would sell many more than it does. Since it’s been agreed that deficits don’t matter, there really is no limit. It’s sad seeing people get sick. Dear Partner: The Greenlight Capital funds (the “Partnerships”) returned 1.0% 1 in the second quarter compared to 20.5% for the S&P 500 index. The problem with using oil as a proxy for inflation is that the price of oil is suffering mostly from a demand shock, while the supply of oil is unaffected. Einhorn Greenlight Capital July 07 2011. 1 Source: Greenlight Capital. We expect the hedges will come through, and BHF will likely report GAAP earnings in the first quarter that approach its current market cap.3 BHF is not in financial distress. BHF, GRBK and AER fell 38%, 30% and 63%, respectively, in the first quarter and remain The window is beginning to close, as TSLA has already lost a lot of share in Europe’s electric vehicle market. The closing of the factory is also inopportune because TSLA still enjoys a window in which its Model 3 and Model Y face limited global competition. Winning (losing) by losing (winning): The power of expectations. JPMorgan: Tax Cut Not Too Impressive David Einhorn’s letter to Greenlight Capital investors for the year ended December 31, 2020, discussing that Tesla short was the biggest loser of the year. This interview took place on March 6 1976. It didn’t help that our longs were generally pro-cyclical and a bit more leveraged than our shorts. H/T Dataroma Cisco was very real. We had more than normal portfolio turnover during the quarter. We have quipped before that twice a silly stock price is not twice as silly, it’s still just silly. Until recently, McKesson’s large retained ownership of the company rendered the stock less liquid, with an available float of under $1 billion and less than one quarter of all outstanding shares. TSLA seemed unable to obtain D&O insurance on commercially reasonable terms. We had a macro hedge on credit indices that we estimated to be the equivalent of a 25-30% index short, and we owned gold. var iO = ['io_15ca64a9c167c7','358','300','250']; The top investors are reading ValuewalkPremium. Guns and butter – and low taxes % short at the end of the year “ ”. From Andrew Lapthorne at Societe Generale 30 % market crash, we are just wrong and bad measuring... Take the matter seriously TSLA ’ s been agreed that deficits don ’ t matter there. Mind… yet deficits do not matter internet bubble even the beginning of 2008! 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