guppy and molly hybrid

Filed Under: Breeding, Fish, Hybrids, Live Foods Tagged With: american livebearer association, breeding, guppy, hatchery operations, livebearers, mollies, Poecilia, Poecilia mexicana, Poecilia reticulata. muppies? Then again it really looks like a hybrid- except for its guppy-like head. There were 17 babies at the start, but some of them were eaten by some fishes (kribs which I didn't expect would eat them). Evergreen and Willy. Each vat is equipped with devices we call cichlid hotels and fry cages. Upon examination, the possible hybrid combined traits of both P. reticulata and P. mexicana. Body same as in this picture but everything flowed bigger and yellow orange. As we sorted the fish, guppies were placed in a bucket to be separated into breeders to be returned to the vat and sale fish to go into 55-gallon holding vats. 5 years ago | 186 views. Browse more … Seen it in Endler’s Livebearers. These assemblies provide shelter for fry when the females release them. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Very Rare Hybrid Guppy-Molly Crosses. I’ll give her another month with the guppy and then add a male molly. So, what do you think? Advanced Aquaria Discussion Forum. Thank you . Report. We breed most of our mouth-brooding cichlids in 300-gallon vats (see photo below), placing two to three males and up to 50 females in each vat. 0 1. I will let you know when I see the fry. Charles, Your email address will not be published. Will a male molly … 6 years ago. I added some hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) and some scuds. Female, Her body color was rosy from the dorsal and anal fin back to the caudal, a pattern not shown by female, The distance between the ventral fins and the anal fin was, like that of, She was much larger than the typical female feeder guppy just like female. I am interested to see more stories from people who have had similar experiences. Its possible that you were mistook the "golly" for another molly fry who happened to be in the molly fry tank. The guppy’s were a green Moscow that bred true. Mini-Monsterfish. 6 years ago | 73 views. reply #12. A fry cage used to provide cover for cichlid fry and juveniles. I placed the suspected hybrid with virgin females of both molly and guppy’s. When the fish died, I preserved it in the freezer. zaza2a Alevin Messages : 80 Enregistré le : 20 mars 2008, 08:44. Charles. Now there are 11 of 'em. Photo of guppy and molly hybrid is documented in book: Innes "Exotic Aquarium Fishes" and Herbert Axelrod "Tropical Fish as a Hobby". Is guppy and molly hybrid possible? The guppy has also been hybridised with the Endler's livebearer (Poecilia wingei) to produce fertile offspring, with the suggestion that, despite physical and … I have only 1 female blonde lyretail mollie, she was the sole offspring of white sailfin mollie(m)/orange lyretail mollie(f). His hybrids are always male and seem infertile. For companionship I took a male guppy from the vat she came from. Very pregnant females of both mollie and guppy. Joye Ferrara. I will keep you informed if that’s useful. At harvest, we net out the fish, inventory the breeders, harvest the juveniles, and return the breeders to the vat for another breeding cycle. In vats where we have both species, we get females that are apparent hybrids. 2009, 12:56. hallucinant . So: (1) It's very unlikely to happen; and (2) If you do somehow manage to get hybrid fry and to raise them to adulthood, the hybrids will be sterile. White Tuxedo Guppy. Below, in the order of possible hybrid, guppy, and P. mexicana, are photos of females for comparison purposes. We keep getting hybrids from cichlid breeding vats in which we keep Poecilia mexicana and feeder guppies for the cichlids. Scuds are a small shrimp-like crustacean we raise for sale as food. The ones you see in LFSs today with names like MollyGuppy or GuppyMolly are simply veiltail Mollies. You might try her w/a male molly? Sorry for the tardy reply. My wife “loved” this. However, if you have just one male guppy and two or three female mollies, this will be possible to cross-breed. The guppy (Poecilia reticulata), ... (Poecilia latipinna or P. velifera), e.g., male guppy and female molly. Thanks for the suggestions. If you raise commercial swordtails, platies, and mollies, you are raising hybrids. Its mostly likely to be just hybrid molly. Guppies, surprisingly, even in vats with predatory cichlids, reproduce well. Le Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) et le Molly (Poecilia sphenops) appartiennent tout deux à la famille des Poecilidae et peuvent donc s’hybrider. “Hello I have now found a similar animal in a zoo store giant female! But I’ve failed to produce guppy/molly hybrids despite trying many times (so-called experts can and do fail). I’ve corresponded with people who get hybrids, but they are all male and sterile. Charles- Good choice to use a male guppy as a potential mate for the mystery fish. Pam, We’ve not been able to get anyone to identify our scuds despite shipping them to many universities. Hi Charles, The molly can produce fertile hybrids … Her caudal fin shape said guppy, but she sported an orange caudal color reminiscent of that of a male, Her head was more guppy-like with the eye closer to the upper edge of the head while the eye is set lower in, Her body, while more elongated than that of guppies or, Unlike guppy females, she showed no gravid spot, the black patch in front of the anal fin. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. These provide shelter for the females when they tire of the amorous intentions of the males. So far they seem sterile or all male. le Lun 11 Mar 2013 - 13:30. personnellement je possède des guppy et des molly … We typically also stock the vats with feeder guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to provide forage for the fish and to inure them to the presence of small fish. ce ne sont pas des hybrides c'est un croisement entre des guppy endler et de reticulata c'est même un recroisement car le endler et issue du croisement de wingie et de réticulata donc il n'y a pas de soucis mais tu aura surement des descendant plus grand que des endler mais plus petit que des … Looks like a hermaphrodite guppy. The fact is that the breeder gets to choose whatever they want … Je ne vais donc pas prendre de molly, ni de guppy. :##19: J'aime Je n'aime pas. You don't have any records on the fry. Johnrileyhughes. gollies? Most hybrids I’ve seen look a bit more molly-like in head shape. Thread starter Hybridfish7; Start date Jan 3, 2018; Tags golly guppy guppy molly hybrid molly molly x guppy muppy; Forums . The obvious guppy/mollie hybrids are blonde, both males and females maturing and look very healthy. :##09: Je m'étais pourtant renseignée dans une animalerie... Merci pour vos conseils, je vais les suivre. While we have over 700 vats, I only have 11 aquaria set up (well, set up if you count them being on stands usually without water or fish in the office). I correspond with a hobbyist who routinely produces hybrids using male mollies and female guppies. Report. So, if this fish is truly a hybrid, it’s a first hybrid for me and a rarity in being female. Charles. 10 Reviews ₹30.00. Add to Cart. I saw them,they were really beautiful! Membre : Accro. If there are guppies or mollies present, we restock breeders and harvest the surplus for sale. 5 Reviews ₹100.00. Very Rare Hybrid Guppy-Molly Crosses. Male guppies are not as choosy about mates. This can be somewhat confusing as some Guppy/Endler hybrids look nearly identical to pure Endlers and some look much closer to Guppies. Hello, I enjoyed reading about the fish. MFK Member. I will need to separate out the other juveniles to see if there are other hybrids with the darker guppy colouring (as there were male/female guppies breeding, so most of the offspring are guppies). Les alevins seront à 99% stériles, car il ne s’agit pas de la même espèce, mais seulement de la même famille. Alright I have a 55 gallon fish tank that I plan to do this in! At any rate, just a thought. Molly is the common name for the genus Poecilia of which guppies are a part, along with black mollies, sailfin mollies, endlers livebearers, and a handful of other species. Dec 4, 2017 850 661 105. … I’ve since collected a few more, all females, all of which have failed to produce fry while put with males of both species. körper gleich wie auf diesem bild aber alles flossen grösser und gelb orange. 9 years ago . well did you have a very pregnant guppy or molly recently? Please let me know your results, Maybe she’d rather breed w/a bigger male? Follow. Note the male P. mexicana below the female. Full Red Guppy(Flamingo Red Guppy) Rating: 76%. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One can see through the transparent scales the guppy version of a uterus. the zedonk foal i love the strippy legs. :##17: personnellement je possède des guppy et des molly dans 240L et je n'ai jamais eu d'hybridations. Also, it is scientifically interesting to see if such hybrids are fertile. Hybrid or just a strange guppy? Many people have produced guppy/molly hybrids; it’s apparently easy. If a molly and guppy cross, the female should be the molly since it is bigger and the fry are likely to grow too large for a female guppy to deliver. Required fields are marked *. If the fish produces no fry -it most likely is either a true hybrid or a guppy with hermaphroditism. But your molly is not guppy/molly hybrid. When they were brought in for overwintering, there was a male molly in the guppy tub and one young fry that grew into a fish larger than both suspected parent species. This is because they belong to the same genus or family of fish. A fry cage is placed in a breeding vat to provide a refuge for fry and juvenile fish.The breeders are placed in the 300-gallon vats equipped with the cichlid hotels and fry cages. rare Moppy fish-hybrid of Molly and Guppy and some other fish of mine. A possible female guppy x Poecilia mexicana, Campeche hybrid. reply. Yes, it is possible under certain circumstances. Let me know your thoughts. (Or so the site said) F. ferrikins Fish Addict. Never had any gravid females though. Forum aquariophile pour toutes vos questions : eau douce et eau de mer. 2) I want to know … 1) I want to know the chances of them breeding. That’s entirely possible. The cichlid hotels are made with 2” PVC cut to 12 inches in length with six cylinders of aquaculture netting tie-wrapped around them (see second photo). In this case, I had stocked the vat with I. sprengerae breeders, feeder guppies, and Poecilia mexicana, Campeche (Campeche being the collection location in Mexico). We found the fish in the above photograph January 15th of this year. The mollies, P mexicana I think we’re fish I collected near Bonita Springs Fl. Other Monster Fish. rare Moppy fish-hybrid of Molly and Guppy and some other fish of mine. Although they are different species, there have been reported cases of molly and guppy hybrids. reply #11. Haut. The males are beginning to colour up but staying within the blonde/gold/yellow/rose colour range and I must say look rather beautiful. That would be … The males are beginning to colour up but staying within the blonde/gold/yellow/rose colour range and I must say look rather beautiful. Je voudrais m'en assurer, car je ne souhaite pas des hybrides involontaires. Those may interest you: My Molly Fry Journey - The First 10 Days. Wess Devonte. I’m unable to move them out of the tank at present and although not intending to breed them, may have some in the future, due to length of time together, if they turn out to be fertile. But yes because … We are able to produce significant numbers of mollies this way. Playing next. Sep 15, 2004 #35 OMG they are wonderful. Also 6 White Pot Belly Female Mollys. Again … Poly-culture is the growing of two or more species in the same space. Merci pour le lien donné, je vais bien le visiter. mit kein guppy weibchen vergleichbar was ich je gesehen habe. Muppies? Mollis and guppies are kept separate from each other when breeding and males … Re: Croisement Guppy_Molly. I don't think you can breed … However, much like a horse and donkey cross produces a sterile mule, the guppy "molly" cross will more than likely produce a sterile hybrid. Hybridfish7 Dovii. 180 juwel, Ph7,5, 24 /25° … A molly male might be hesitant. Rodrigo, Our hobby, especially the livebearer side, was built on hybrids. Mike, Follow. The hybridization process is rare and you can’t force it to happen. What crazy fish these are! Evergreen and Willy. molly and guppy hybrids????? There are more than 90 species of freshwater scuds in North America alone. Some hobbyists name all Guppy/Endler hybrids as Guppies in an attempt to preserve the pure bloodlines of Endlers. Discussion Starter • #1 • Jun 1, 2012. Some guppy fry and the molly fry look same to me depends what color. I will need to separate out the other juveniles to see if there are other hybrids with the darker guppy colouring (as there were male/female guppies breeding, so most of the offspring are guppies). J'aurais une autre question. attention les molly se reproduisent aussi vite que les guppy! Perhaps it’s a freakishly large female guppy showing its delta ancestry in its caudal color? 22 Posts . They were in a coastal stream. … Partly Red Guppy… Fish do remarkably well and have growing populations again it really looks like a hybrid- except for its head. €¢ # 1 • Jun 1, 2012 to colour up but staying within guppy and molly hybrid blonde/gold/yellow/rose range! For its guppy-like head guppy showing its delta ancestry in its caudal color shelter for cichlids... Guppy female comparable to what I hear ) male and sterile, je vais les suivre guppy, and in. The males deformity that has been proven over and over conserning the viability of molly. 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