world eaters list

[15d], As the hour of the Horus Heresy grew near, Horus had little problem with corrupting the bitter and unhappy Angron. [15a], Bodt was ultimately destroyed during the Horus Heresy; a mixed Imperial strike force led by Autek Mor of the Iron Hands succeeded in crashing Bodt's lone moon into the world, causing a total extermination event that slew all those upon the surface. [6], Primarch! [16j] Recruits were most commonly trained on the Legion's world Bodt. Follow us on Other Space Marine Chapter Bits All Bits By Type Accessories Arms Back Packs Bases Heads Legs Shoulder Pads Torsos Weapons Generic Space Marine Units All stock is genuine and original Forge World, Games Workshop and Black Library. So, If you’re interested in starting a World Eaters army you will learn everything you need to know below. They refused all summons by Horus to muster at Ullanor in preparation for the drive on Terra. Angron's followers - named the Eaters of Cities - were massacred to the last man and woman on the following morning. Attached Imperial Army troops, sent into Cerberus in the aftermath, reported discovering scenes of shocking butchery and indication of massive casualties, on both sides. During the ground war, the three primarchs present would all meet in hand-to-hand combat, with Lorgar being beaten back, leaving Guiliman and Angron to duel. The reputation of the chain-axe as a weapon grew in the Imperium thanks to the World Eaters, and its use spread to other legions as a result. This limitation is going to shape the entirety of the rest of the article, as it heavily alters the WORLD EATERS playstyle. He further ordered the World Eaters out of the main line of the Great Crusade, sending them to the northern fringes of known space to combat xenos instead of human foes. This dedication, as well as their savage and tenacious demeanour during the few times they were deployed in combat during this period, reportedly led to the Emperor himself dubbing the XII Legion as his War Hounds. World Eaters can be pretty fast, which makes Engage on All Fronts and Linebreaker potential secondaries to build toward as you create your list, and you may want to consider having an option to score Deploy Scramblers in most games if there isn’t a good kill The final obliteration of the loyalists was to be by orbital bombardment, and Horus ordered his fellow primarchs Mortarion and Fulgrim to drag Angron from the field if he would not quit of his own accord; the World Eaters' strength was to be conserved for the planned Battle of Isstvan V.[15i], The Battle of Isstvan V, also known as the Drop Site Massacre, saw Angron and the World Eaters unleashed, their assault splitting the Raven Guard's line of communication from that of the Iron Hands. World Eaters 2000 - posted in Chaos Army Lists: well guys, World eaters list with an auxiliry Bloodthirster just bc i love the model. Those who failed did not live to try again. A side-effect of these devices would soon become apparent; they robbed the wearer of peace, satisfaction or joy except when stimulated in battle. To Angron's shock, the final phase of Lorgar's ritual had to be carried out upon Nuceria. A 'best guess' made by one Imperial record puts their numbers immediately before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy at around 150,000, which places the World Eaters at about a 'higher-mid' level of manpower when compared to the other legions. [20b], The Twelfth Legion was formed on Terra, from no particular geographic recruiting ground. In order to keep up their strength, the World Eaters were involved in continual recruitment, with Angron choosing to personally streamline and cut out elements of the standard process, in order to accelerate the viability of recruits. Das Größte, 8000 Mann stark, wurde Teil der 13. [31c], Time and time again the World Eaters failed to meet this deadline and each time Angron demanded the punishment be decimation, forcing 1 of every 10 World Eaters to be killed by the other 9. [23], When word of the rebellion on Isstvan III arrived, Angron was a member of Horus' war council which determined that the imminent campaign of reconquest on the planet was the perfect opportunity to rid their legions of the personnel believed unlikely to turn against the Emperor. This would prove to be a grievous mistake. Angron was elevated to daemonhood and the World Eaters would continue to function as a Legion up to the Skalathrax Incident. They earned their rank by battlefield prowess and displays of personal leadership and charisma in the teeth of battle. Enemies who had proven unworthy - cowards - were to be butchered. Watching from orbit in outrage, Horus realised he had no choice but to commit his own ground forces in order to reinforce Angron's move. Training was with live rounds and whetted blades, often against other legionaries. After the catastrophic Battle of Skalathrax, they were scattered into disparate warbands, and have rarely fought as a unified Legion since.[14b]. A position in the Devourers could only be achieved by the slaying of one in ritualised combat, or - if one died in battle - by an organised competition open to any in the legion. Although aware of this eventual doom, Angron refused to countenance any other course of action. All units with the WORLD EATERS keyword have to have the Mark of KHORNE, in particular. These include: Many scholars believe the World Eater's geneseed was corrupted from the beginning, and the legion was intrinsically damned. [15e], In terms of combat deployment, the World Eaters were champions of the drop-pod assault, usually choosing to appear in the heart of the enemy's defences, in order to rip it apart from within. However, his stratagem was altered by the actions of Angron, who seemingly decided that the survivors of his legion should be cut down by his own hand. Après l'hérésie, les World Eaters continuent de lancer des attaques depuis l'Œil de la Terreur. It was said that a War Hounds deployment had only two outcomes; glorious, victorious slaughter...or just slaughter. A force of around 70,000 World Eaters assembled around their Primarch and joined a smaller force of Word Bearers. Eventually, after 98 days of cat-and-mouse hunting, the World Eaters were able to run the Raven Guard survivors down, launching themselves at their exhausted prey in what would surely be another, final massacre. A sizeable grouping of World Eaters was attached to the forces deployed to crush the rebellion, and like all the other victorious warriors, they were betrayed by their fellows in orbit. [16a], Upon arriving at the planet, a delegation from both legions descended to the long-abandoned battle-site in the Desh'elika Mountains which Angron had been teleported from, and where the Eaters of Cities had died, to find that the bones of Angron's fallen followers had been left to rot in the open air. Why stand with the Arch-Traitor?I do not stand with Horus. The Great Crusade having begun, most of the Space Marine Legions had already been assigned to Expedition Fleets and sent out into the wider galaxy. What to take as a core choice? The World Eaters did not possess a typical homeworld in the manner of many of the other Space Marine Legions. Note: This particular armour is older Legion issue, with modified helm (brazen colouration denoting veteran status). While the true reasons for this withdrawal from the front-lines are unknown, one suggested reason was that they were simply kept off the board in case a sudden mishap in the Imperial campaigns resulted in a need for swift, fresh reinforcement. World Eaters. [15h], Tell me why, father. [16h], After a certain point, almost every legionary would undergo the voluntary implantation of the Butcher's Nails, the psycho-surgical implants that heightened aggression and pain tolerance to extreme levels. Angron's primarch nature meant that all of these attempts would fail; all except one. A few years ago I was at a 40k tournament and The following is a list of known members of the World Eaters. The Emperor is assembling a carnival of monsters for his amusement, although I doubt whoever he unleashes them upon will see the jest.-Reportedly the Primarch Sanguinius, upon reviewing the muster rolls of the 13th Expeditionary Fleet[15c], The young Angron survived his capture, and his first bouts in the gladiator pits. Whatever Terran martial traditions that existed in the War Hounds were erased by Angron's new gladiatorial ones, and by the time the Primarch led his World Eaters from Bodt under their new fanged maw symbol, the World Eaters had embraced Angron's own red code of savage competition and the butchery of the weak. Come with me, then, World Eaters.-Captain Dreagher of the War Hounds legion and Angron, their Primarch[6], After Angron assumed command of his newly-rechristened legion, they once again mustered upon the world of Bodt, where Angron took stock of his forces. World Eaters Army Hey once again, I'm back with another little post to show off something I finished up not so long ago. In this regard, the World Eaters had an easy means to offset losses and in fact ensure they had high supplies of arms and ammunition; the Forge World (of a sort) of Sarum considered itself an ally to the legion, and would dedicate a high portion of its output to servicing the legion forges and quartermasters. Answer me.I saved him, Khârn. The World Eaters were instrumental in the Siege of Terra itself: Legion records claim that it was the World Eaters who made the first breach in the walls of the Imperial Palace[19a], a claim perhaps verified by surviving Imperial vid-logs of the Siege, which show the World Eaters breaching the walls with Angron at their head[5c]. Upon undergoing Butcher's Nails implantation, it was discovered that the aggression engines did not mesh with psychic talents. Angron was last seen during the First War for Armageddon, where he lead the invasion of a Khornate host upon an Imperial forge world. The original colouration of the World Eaters being white and blue dates back as far as Slaves to Darkness[19a], though it was not seen in artwork or models until more recent times. [15e], Despite the bulk of the non-Terran legionaries not having a shared world of origin, a second language to Gothic came to exist inside the legion: Nagrakali. They will answer some weird things in the meta and maybe help bring back a Beta Strike style list and put some of the Marine armies on their butts. World Eaters will chain themselves together in the fighting pits and duel to the cheers of their brothers. Angron himself remained upon Isstvan V, leading the force hunting the Raven Guard personally. "Ambarmatyar") or Earth-eaters (S."Amarmedionath") was a general term referring to the ancient evil gnawing on the roots of Ambar. From the beginning, the World Eaters, then called the War Hounds by the Emperor, were destined to travel a dark road. Yet they lost the battle, and the remains fled to the Eye of Terror along with the other Traitor Legions. Notionally, the most elite formation in the legion was the Devourers, the twelve-strong bodyguard group to Angron himself. The Emperor was therefore minded to activate the War Hounds, sending them to Cerberus personally, with instructions to carry his wrath to those that defied him. Lost in an apparently inconsolable rage over what had just happened to him, Angron brutally murdered every legion officer of the War Hounds who attempted to speak to him, starting with their Legion Master, Gheer. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features As the Crusade wore on and the various Legions grew in size to the point where they no longer needed a standing reserve reinforcement force, the scattered units of War Hounds were consolidated into the 13th Fleet, upon the legion muster-world of Bodt. When it became clear that Angron was a lost cause and did not understand that his own failure to lead resulted in him becoming entrapped, Russ ordered a withdrawal. When heavy firepower was required to support such a tactic, the World Eaters were not averse to advancing under danger-close orbital bombardment or direct Titan support. Yes, World Eaters are known for the choppy, not the shooty, but Obliterators can bring some serious threat to a WE list while also, thanks to Butcher’s Nails, provide some decent melee when needed. The game was released February 15, 2007 in Japan and September 25, 2007 in the U.S., not to be confused with the 1999 video game Omikron: The Nomad Soul. [19b] The black element of the design, not even universal in first edition depictions, would swiftly vanish. Durant la Bataill… The primarch of the World Eaters was transformed. In short order - beginning at the very first battle after the first implantation wave - the legion Librarians began to die, either by uncontrolled power surges or sudden brain embolisms. [15f], In the aftermath of the Heresy and the Battle of Skalathrax, the World Eaters have shattered as a united Legion and now operate as disparate warbands controlled by Chaos Lords.[5x]. The Nucerian slavers were successful in implanting Angron with psycho-surgical devices known as the Butcher's Nails, devices which would enhance his aggression to truly super-human levels. You’re also explicitly forbidden from taking psykers due to this, since Psykers can’t have the KHORNE keyword. Rhinos: World Eaters are a bit slow with no cool infiltrate tricks, so a few bullet boxes are a good idea. Regardless, after millennia in the Eye of Terror, the currently existing geneseed of the legion warriors has been corrupted beyond all possible measure. They may have also been just shapes and phantoms without a will of their own, animated manifestations of Morgoth's Essence. Eventually, attempts were made to remove the Nails from the Librarians, but all such operations proved fatal. For a bodyguard unit to a personage such as Angron was essentially absurd, especially a bodyguard unit made up of the most dedicated killers in a legion like the World Eaters. One of the officers, Captain Dreagher, issued a response that would result in an momentous occurrence. Daedalus was a disgraced Techmarine who forged several deamon engines. This was the span of a single Nucerian day and the amount of time it had taken Angron and his army of slave rabble to score their greatest victory. I stand against the Emperor. 1. Secondly, a more private goal of the Word Bearers primarch; the saving of Angron's life from the Butcher's Nails. It was then that Lorgar discerned the fateful moment, the opportunity the slaughter and rage of the war around him and titanic duel in front of him afforded him; the culmination of his ritual to save Angron was at hand. A being as powerful as Angron barely needed a bodyguard, and even if he did, when the Nails bit, the Devourers could hardly be trusted to remain near their primarch, or he near them. Their Primarch, Angron, was discovered upon the world of Nuceria, but the events surrounding his discovery did not lead to a unifying of the planet and his legion. Others believe that there was nothing inherently wrong with the genetic make-up of the legion, and point solely to Angron and his introduction of the Butcher's Nails as the reason behind the downfall of the Twelfth Legion. The Imperial colony on Cerberus rose up in rebellion, and it quickly became apparent that Space Marine forces were needed to quell the insurrection. Before we begin, we need to talk a bit about a special restriction that only applies to World Eaters. First, we have the World … [15f] However vaunted the idea of the Devourers was (and they did have access to the best arms and armour of the legion), the reality did not exactly match the idea on paper. The only definite fact noted about the legion during this time was that they possessed an unusually harsh code of internal discipline, necessitated apparently by their own fractious nature.[15b]. and khorne demonkind doesnt exist anymore. Other Space Marine Chapter Bits All Bits By Type Accessories Arms Back Packs Bases Heads Legs Shoulder Pads Torsos Weapons Generic Space Marine Units All stock is genuine and original Forge World, Games Workshop and Black Library. [15b], The nascent, relatively small Legion was deployed in the Unification Wars, their first recorded engagement being the Sa'afrik Liberation. While infantry assault was their primary stratagem, the legion did possess respectable amounts of armour and artillery units, and were highly adept in their use. Initiates who survived the process awoke thinking they were a veteran of countless wars.[20a]. [5c], Angron and the World Eaters were first known to have worked to Lupercal's ends during the war with the Auretian Technocracy, when Angron's 203rd Expeditionary Fleet linked up with the 63rd of Horus. It was the only way.-World Eaters Centurion Khârn and the Primarch Lorgar.[16f]. The War Hounds were finally unleashed as a legion force partly by circumstance. We will talk a little bit about who they are, their play style, and end with a solid 1,000 pt army list with some All of the remainder perished during the Battle of Nuceria, attempting to stop Angron's daemonic ascenscion. The principal concentration of War Hounds astartes (around 8,000 Legionaries) had been grouped into the 13th Expeditionary Fleet, alongside dedicated support and naval elements. In some sense, their embrace of the destructive brain surgery could be said to have been spiritual. However the revolt failed, Mago was slain, and Kharn became the first World Eater to successfully endure the Nails. Legion wurde zu Beginn des Kreuzzuges in Unterkommandos geteilt. [15d], Soon the World Eaters would become a byword for mass-scale slaughter and violence, their enemies not merely shot down or blasted to oblivion, but killed to a man in their streets and fortresses. 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