how old was rachel when she died in the bible

Question: "Who was Benjamin in the Bible?" When Laban came to search her tent, Rachel asked him to excuse her for not rising, because she was menstruating. Answer: Rachel is a major character in the early Old Testament; she was a daughter of Laban, sister of Leah, favored wife of Jacob, and mother of two of Jacob’s children. I am simply noting possible literary connections and trying to probe what they mean. Rachel’s first son, Joseph, would end up being critically important for the people of Israel to survive after he would bring his entire family into … Jacob is very wary of Esau prior to meeting him. 1. [1] In 1620, the Ottoman Turks surrounded the supposed grave with a cube surmounted by a dome. ; Midr. The text states that the pillar is there “to this day.” Interestingly on his own deathbed, Jacob will speak of his beloved Rachel. But his father called him Benjamin. But Rachel was not content with this. We also saw how God chastised Jacob. After Jacob ran away from his brother Esau, he went to live with his mother’s family in Haran. Rebekah had said that she would send for Jacob when things died down with Esau. The Hebrew term translated “the midwife” (hameyaledet) may literally be translated “the childbirth assisting woman.” This term occurs in the singular (“midwife”) just three times: in Genesis 35:17, Genesis 38:28 and in Exodus 1:16. 2227 AM-m. 2245 AM-2266 AM) (ca. Rachel was the beautiful daughter of Laban, brother of Isaac’s wife Rebecca.. Every afternoon when the heat of the day had passed, she watered her flock of sheep at a well near Haran, an outpost of the ancient city of Ur – see Map 1, Bible Maps. In part two of this series, we looked at the geographical and historical context of Jeremiah 31:15. The midwife comforts and encourages her by saying she is having a son. She bore him in 2259 AM. Answer: Benjamin was a son of Jacob and head of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.Benjamin was the twelfth-born and youngest son in Jacob’s family. She stole the household idols (teraphim) that belonged to Laban, in the belief that those idols would confer some protective power. We know that Rachel leaves with her father’s teraphim; it is not a stretch to presume others take idols too. More widely, the term patriarchs can be used to refer to the twenty male ancestor-figures between Adam and Abraham. Generations later when her descendants will be sent off into exile, they will pass her grave. For now, however, Jacob keeps going on his way only to set up camp at Migdal Eder. We don’t know the age-difference between the sisters; it could have been one year or ten. God will respond to her tears. Scholars have also noted that the route Jacob follows mimics the one Abraham took as he entered into the Promised Land. Rachel took Jacob to Laban who gave Jacob a … Scholars don’t really know why he chooses to bury them. Some scholars have noted that since she is also buried under a tree, perhaps the connection relates back to the idols. He was born to Jacob’s wife Rachel, making Benjamin the full brother of Joseph.His story is found in Genesis chapters 35–49. Leah, along with Jacob, Rachel, their maidservants and their livestock, left her native land of Haran and went to settle in Canaan. She followed the guidance of God to hide her son when Pharaoh was killing baby boys. This page has been accessed 31,086 times. Despite God’s admonition to remain at Bethel, a few verses later, Jacob and his entourage are on the move. The pains were very bad, and Rachel suffered terribly. Leah conceived a son that very evening, and bore him the next year. In 1860, Sir Moses Montefiore enlarged this structure. Jacob protested, and Laban answered that local custom did not permit a younger sister to marry before the older sister. Nothing happens as a result, even though Jacob “hears about it.” Neither Jacob nor Reuben ever mention it again, – until Jacob speaks of it on his deathbed. And in a very small way, that could be what Reuben is trying to do, too. After that, no one wants to go after them. The people cooperate fully by giving him everything, including earrings. Copyright © 2021 She died in childbirth. While none of this is new information, the fact that God repeats his promises at this point is highly significant. But then, Jacob is still on the other side of the Jordan. The promises made to Abraham have been successfully transferred to Jacob. Old Testament Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Since there are 39 books in the Old Testament, it contains a tremendous amount of information. As previously mentioned, in Hebrew, any male ancestor can be called ones 'father'. The text states that the labor is hard; the birth is difficult. (NIV) Genesis 27:14-17 So he went and got them and brought them to his mother, and she prepared some tasty food, just the way his father liked it. Rachel will come to represent a dispersed people. It appears from 1 Samuel that she died and was buried in the vicinity of Ramah. That was a lie. In Sivan of 2251 AM (May–June 1754 BC, or literally, "in the days of the wheat harvest"), Reuben went into the field and gathered mandrakes (Mandragora officinarum) for his mother Leah. She “lived to be a hundred and twenty-seven years old.” She is the only matriarch whose age is recorded at her death. Those were the last children she would have. But as she approached, a stranger (Jacob) rolled the stone away for her and watered the sheep. With the birth of Benjamin, Jacob is now the proud father of twelve sons (and one daughter). Now, after the tragedy at Shechem, he returns to Bethel and builds another altar. 1777 BC-1759 BC-1738 BC) was the second wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. This is one of many claims used to discredit the Bible and Christianity. The last cry Rachel uttered as she died was “Benoni”—son of sorrow—and it is in the spirit of this Benoni that the Bible portrays Rachel. He is saying that the time has come. 19 After Herod 32 had died, an 33 angel of the Lord 34 appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt 20 saying, “Get up, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who were seeking the child’s life are dead.” 21 So 35 he got up and took the child and his mother and returned to the land of Israel. Jochebed: The mother of Moses. Prior to their departure, Jacob tells everyone to “throw out all the alien gods which you have, wash yourselves, and change your clothes.” Some of these gods might have been pilfered from Shechem, but others might have been with them from the beginning of the journey. He changes Benoni’s name to Benjamin, meaning “son of my good fortune,” or “son of my right hand.” Some scholars think the reference to “my right hand” is a metaphor for strength. Jacob retorted in anger that he did not stand in the place of God, Who alone decided questions of that sort. As far as scholars know, that never happened. Rachel probably conceived Benjamin, her second son, in the spring of 2265 AM (1739 BC). Jacob had traveled a great distance to find Laban. Then God leaves. He tells her son, Joseph, that to “his sorrow she died on the journey and that he had to bury her alongside the road.” They could not be united even in death. Her name is found more than forty times in the Old Testament. Through her sheer longing for children that “were gone,” she will bring all of Israel’s children back into being. How did she get there? At the end of twenty years of service (seven each for Leah and Rachel, and six more for a portion of Laban's flocks), Jacob and Laban fell out. Unfortunately, they are in the middle of nowhere. He is the firstborn son, the legitimate heir. He is ready to exert his authority. Rebecca's brother was Laban the Aramean, and she was the granddaughter of Milcah and Nahor, the brother of Abraham. Read Genesis 35:16-30. The plural form (“midwives”) occurs just seven times, and all i… God states that Jacob will have land and many descendants. He reiterates Jacob’s new name and the promises made to Abraham and Isaac. So she said to Jacob, ‘Give me children, or I’ll die!’” ( Genesis 30:1 ). Jacob agreed to this. Isaac died when Jacob was about 120 years old. Ever since Jacob’s night of wrestling, he’s had some sort of limp; maybe he appears weakened to his sons. She was an idolator (idol-worshipper) herself. And it came about as her soul was departing (for she died), that she named him Ben-oni; but his father called him Benjamin. Laban agreed. Leah suddenly found herself sterile after the birth of Judah, and offered Jacob her own handmaid as well. And Jacob told Rachel that he was her father's kinsman, and that he was Rebekah's son, and she ran and told her father. Their passionate romance was marked by love's inspiring endurance and sacrifice as well as its ugly face of jealousy (Genesis 25—35). Benjamin is Born, Rachel Dies … 18 And with her last breath—for she was dying—she named him Ben-oni. And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem. But had she been obviously pregnant, she would not have been able to lie convincingly. At that time, he tells Reuben that he will not be the preeminent one because he has defiled his father’s bed. Note that it was only about 10 years later (refer Gen 47:9) that Jacob and descendants entered Egypt. ] It appears that such religious practices were tolerated. Rachel is first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in Genesis 29 when Jacob happens upon her as she is about to water her father's flock. If she had, then she would not have been able to employ a ruse to stop her father from searching her belongings too closely (see below). Before dying, she named the boy Benoni. The End of Leah’s Life. Rachel unquestionably had Jacob's favor, but Rachel was sterile, while Leah was fertile. All rights reserved. Tadshe, in Epstein, "Mi-Ḳadmoniyyot ha-Yehudim," Supplement, p. Nevertheless, such an action is replete with symbolism. That has led some of them to suggest a typo in that she is really Rachel’s nurse. This is the first indication that she is pregnant. When one of David’s sons sleeps with his father’s concubines, he does it on the rooftop – in view of the entire city. 20 Over her tomb Jacob set up a pillar, and to this day that pillar marks Rachel’s tomb. [2] Thus Leah would be the older sister only in the sense of having been born first. [20] And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave: that is the pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day. Nonetheless, Jacob has changed the unfavorable nature of the name to one that is more favorable. At that lonely border, her yearning for her children will provide a redemptive force. Though scholars differ as to why Reuben did this, most agree that he didn’t take Bilhah because he was interested in her. 19 So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem ). Jacob insisted on giving the child the name of Benjamin, or "son of my right hand."[1]. Year 12. The nation of Israel came from Jacob, and the line of Esau became the Edomites. She was the younger daughter of Laban and the younger sister of Leah. She married Jacob (2245 AM) when she was old enough to carry an adult responsibility, because Jacob met her when she was leading a flock of sheep to water. Now he has crossed over into the Promised Land, and God repeats it again. (This mistaken belief was similar to the belief that both sisters had in the power of the common mandrake to confer fertility.) 18 Rachel died while giving birth to the son. Rachel first met Jacob in 2245 AM (1759 BC), at the community well in Haran. Centuries later, the prophet, Jeremiah, will immortalize Rachel’s grave in his famous passage from 31:15, “Thus said the Lord: A cry is heard in Ramah – wailing, bitter weeping – Rachel weeping for her children. Rachel: The beloved wife of Jacob who endured childlessness until God opened her womb. [19] And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem. Rebecca was the daughter of Bethuel, the great-niece of Abraham, and the sister of Laban. 4. She will ask for mercy for them for it is written, “Thus said the Lord: Restrain your voice from weeping, your eyes from shedding tears, for there is a reward for your labor. The Lord did, however, eventually allow Rachel to bare two sons to Jacob. Rachel (Hebrew: רחל‎, Rāḫēl; "a ewe"[1]) (ca. Rachel, Jacob's other wife, is said to be buried separately at what is known as Rachel's Tomb, near Bethlehem, at the site where she is believed to have died in childbirth. However, nothing ever comes of it. There are a few theories regarding why Rachel stole her father Laban's idols. Earlier in the story, Rachel said she would die if she … He surely isn’t the man he used to be. i 19 So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem). 1. She bore another son and a daughter over the next two years. Jacob, however, does not destroy them; he buries them – under a large oak tree! Benjamin was born on the road to Bethlehem, and therefore Rachel must have conceived him in Padan-aram, though she bore him in Canaan. In addition to throwing out the alien gods, Jacob tells them to purify themselves. In 35:16-20, Rachel dies in childbirth. Rachel was the wife of Jacob (grandson of Abraham) and the mother of two sons—Joseph and Benjamin. Some have suggested he is hedging his bet by knowing he can always retrieve them later. Genesis 27:1-46 ESV / 8 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see, he called Esau his older son and said to him, “My son”; and he answered, “Here I am.” Rebecca appears in the Hebrew Bible as the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau.According to biblical tradition, Rebecca's father was Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram, also called Aram-Naharaim. She died after bearing her second son, in 2266 AM. All of the references are found in the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament). Sarah died at aged 127 (Genesis 23:1-2). Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. The Bible does not say when Rachel was born, nor how old she was when she married Jacob, nor how long she lived. The dream he had which his father scolded him by asking him if his mother and him will bow down to him is proof that Rachel was still alive when Joseph had those dreams. Rachel lived in Harran, or Paddan Aram, and that’s where she met her cousin Jacob. Rachel was the younger sister of Leah and daughter of Laban. Rachel immediately told her father Laban about the helpful stranger at the well. The irony hurts. Rachel was cheated by her father. There we discovered that in Jeremiah’s day, Rachel was weeping because it was from Ramah that the conquering Babylonians were deporting the captive Jews from Jerusalem. In a sense, she could represent the final connection to Jacob’s old life, thereby making his rededication/renewal to God complete. Her first son was Joseph, the future viceroy of Egypt. She was the second daughter of Laban, Rebecca's brother, making Jacob her first cousin. And there is hope for your future – declares the Lord: your children shall return to their country” (Jer. A beautiful young woman, she won the heart of her cousin Jacob and became his second wife. She hid these teraphim in her saddle bag, and sat on them. Rachel had passionately said, Give me children, or else I die; and now that she had children, she died! Today a site exists along the road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem that most people say is the tomb of Rachel. This time it is God that says, “From now on your name is Israel.” The angel had told him that as dawn was breaking after a night of wrestling. They shall return from the enemy’s land. One is never too young or old to play trivia games, and our collection should make any get-together, Bible class, or devotional more fun. Reuben is the firstborn. 2. But Laban substituted Leah, Rachel's older sister, in her place. So Rachel offered her handmaid, Bilhah, as her surrogate. Sarah was 90 when Abraham was 100 (Genesis 17:17). Rachel gave birth to Joseph, one of the most important figures of the Old Testament, who saved the nation of Israel during a famine. Before dying, she named the boy Benoni. But his beloved Rachel dies, and Jacob must bury her. Question: "Who was Rachel in the Bible?" The Bible does not tell us. When Jacob came to die in extreme old age, he spoke sorrowfully of the early loss of his beloved Rachel who through her years had been caught in a … Genesis 4: Cain and Abel and the Generations that Followed, Genesis 6: The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men, Genesis 10: The Table of Nations – Japheth, Genesis 10: The Table of Nations – Ham (6-20), Genesis 11: The Descendants of Shem and Terah (10-32), Genesis 21: The Birth of Isaac and Expulsion of Ishmael, Genesis 25: Jacob’s Birth and Stolen Birthright, Genesis 28: Jacob Leaves and Encounters God at Bethel, Genesis 29: Jacob Marries Rachel and Leah, Genesis 30-31: Jacob’s Dealings with Laban, Genesis 32-33: Jacob Wrestles at Peniel and Reunites with Esau, Genesis 34: Jacob’s Response to Dinah’s Rape, Genesis 37: Joseph is Sold by His Brothers, Genesis 40: Joseph, the Baker, and the Cupbearer, Genesis 42: Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt, Genesis 42: Joseph’s Brothers Return Home, Genesis 43: Joseph’s Brothers Return to Egypt, Genesis 46: Jacob and Family Move to Egypt, Genesis 47: Pharaoh Meets Joseph’s Family, Genesis 49: Jacob's Final Words to His Sons, Genesis 50: Jacob’s Death and Its Aftermath, Exodus 1: The Oppression of the Israelites, Exodus 2: The Birth and Early Life of Moses, Exodus 11: Announcing the Death of the Firstborn, Exodus 12: Introduction of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, Exodus 12: The Tenth Plague and the Exodus. 16 Then they journeyed from Bethel. She refuses to be comforted for her children, who are gone.”. Accomplishments of Rachel in the Bible . “Then she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. He buries her by the side of the road, raising a pillar over her grave. While still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel goes into labor. When Jacob is running away from Esau, he stops at Bethel and builds an altar. Rebecca bore two sons, Esau and Jacob. She also bore Benjamin and was a faithful wife to Jacob. The Bible does not say when Rachel was born, nor how old she was when she married Jacob, nor how long she lived. Rachel's sons became heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. Regardless, the idols are left behind. It was, but Rachel would not live to see him grow. And while the people are getting ready to set out, the Lord sends a paralyzing fear upon the neighboring tribes. Early on, Abraham built an altar at Bethel. She disapproved of her father's (Laban's) … Some rabbinical writings suggest that Rachel and Leah were twins, and were fourteen years old at the time of Jacob's first meeting with Rachel. Rachel died after Joseph was sold. As Rachel's death occurred fifteen years after her marriage, she must have died at the age of thirty-six (Seder 'Olam Rabbah l.c. The Bible says that this took place at sheep-shearing time,[5] which is always in the springtime. [6] (Genesis 31:19-20 ) Jones[7] records that the phrase "born to him in Padan-aram" that appears after the listing of Jacob's sons (Genesis 35:26 ) can also mean "engendered by him in Padan-aram." Centuries later, the prophet, Jeremiah, will immortalize Rachel’s grave in his famous passage from 31:15, “Thus said the … Rachel is the mother of Joseph, who God used to deliver Egypt and Israel through years of famine. [3] This traditional site lies four miles south of Jerusalem and one mile north of Bethlehem. But the Bible makes no specific statement to this effect. He gave Jacob a dose… Continuing with the transition from one generation to the next, Chapter 23 begins with the death of Sarah. She also covered his hands and the smooth part of his neck with the goatskins. “When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister. However, the text of Genesis 35:9-15 is a narrative that begins with a recapitulation of an earlier incident: the second appearance of God to Jacob and the renaming of Jacob to Israel. Reuben could easily be in his early thirties or forties; he’s a strong man and ready to take over. Jacob offered to serve Laban for seven years, in exchange for the right to marry Rachel. She was caring for her father’s sheep. She told Jacob that if he didn't "give" her children, she would die. 17 And when her labor was at its hardest, the midwife said to her, “Do not fear, for # ch. Another option is even more likely. Scholars can’t help but point out that fifty to eighty years earlier (depending on the timeframe), this same Isaac is so frail and infirmed that Jacob is able to steal the blessing intended for Esau, thereby setting all these events into motion. Goes into labor send for Jacob when things died down with Esau this day.” on... Bilhah, Rachel’s handmaiden and his father’s concubines, he hurried to meet him makes no specific to... Of Shechem, he could marry Rachel as well Jeremiah 31:15 every part of the name one! While Leah was fertile this mistaken belief was similar to the world of spirits and names El-Bethel... In a very small way, that never happened is hard ; the birth of Judah, and was on! Retorted in anger that he had buried Rachel near Ephrath, which always. Ll die! ’ ” ( Genesis 21:5 ) Jacob said to her presence with Jacob’s entourage and! About this ], https: // title=Rachel & oldid=1269771 in Epstein, `` Mi-Ḳadmoniyyot,. 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